Health is a matter of your views of the world, your choices of interpretation and understanding of how you feel, how you are able to navigate physically, emotionally, and spiritually...
In the end, the very best measure is how truly happy and creative and enthused you are, especially enthused about helping others. Would you not say this is a good criterion for determining if you are 100% healthy...
Love is the essential health... The ability to love in all circumstances and in all situations, regardless of how you are provoked, is the "environment" of peaceful happy understanding...
One of the first steps is to recognize that each event in your life -- even those which are greatly upsetting, even the "headlines," even your historic upsetments for all the years of your life -- EACH OF THOSE CARRY A "GIFT"! Think of it as a "course" for you to understand something about your own growth, how to proceed to higher confidence, higher abilities to love in service...
You have a profound and foundational and eternal "university program"! This is what you are and who you are. If you treat it as if it is not that, then you will not be happy or healthy or creative! So, treat it as if it is that. It is a profound "university"!...
Health from the heart and soul is all about “I am you and you are me.” For truly I am you and you are me” – and to some extent, can I truly be healthy if you are not healthy? Can I truly be happy if you are not happy?...
Health crosses time and space and touches the soul of millennia in its deepest reach of empathy, compassion, realization of our connections. I am connected to you and you are connected to me. Let us be healthy and happy together…
If you are not 100% healthy and happy, this impact, this call for help, extends into interstellar realms and hearts...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
My question for this message, this writing, was about new steps to be healthy. It turned into a kind of class – and extended over several days. It is like a class – and I have used all of the recommendations to feel happier, more creative, more productive – and healthier.
This is the first audio I was able to do with my voice in quite some time! Healing is happening. The speaking of Grandmother was very comforting. And I realized just how much “sound” and “music” in our world reaches the deeper vibrations of us for resonance and transformation. Voice matters – reach out with yours whenever you can. I am extremely grateful to be able to “speak” a message from the heart -- in itself healing.
Enjoy “Grandmother on How to Become 100% Healthy, Happy, Creative, in Loving Service to Others. Recorded 11-15-23, Posted 11-18-23, 17 minutes, 25 seconds. Plus, spontaneous, improvisational, unedited automatic writing of 11/15/23 and 11/18-23, posted 11-18-23, © S.H. Rodman.

Click Audio Player to play "Grandmother on How to Become 100% Healthy, Happy, Creative, in Loving Service to Others,” Recorded 11-15-23, Posted 11-18-23, 17 minutes, 25 seconds. And additional spontaneous, improvisational, unedited automatic writing of 11/15/23, posted 11-18-23, © S.H. Rodman.
“Grandmother on How to Become 100% Healthy, Happy, Creative, in Loving Service to Others”
SHR: Grandmother, what are ways we can gradually, steadily become 100% healthier?
Health is a matter of your views of the world, your choices of interpretation and understanding of how you feel, how you are able to navigate physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you are feeling very happy, very creative, very enthused about life, that is as important an aspect of being "healthy" in your sense, as a test showing that you do not have certain imbalances or issues -- and yet you feel unhappy.
In the end, the very best measure is how truly happy and creative and enthused you are, especially enthused about helping others. Would you not say this is a good criterion for determining if you are 100% healthy?
The very best measure is how truly happy and creative and enthused you are, especially enthused about helping others...
So, a goal might not be precisely "health" according to a chart from the density or frequency in which you live, but the happiness and creativity and enthusiasm for service (which is from higher densities and frequencies) -- that chart. Because that is from the heart -- that is from a greater "self" that must be happy. Do you see?
So, in a sense of "health" related to service to others: When we say that the greatest gift you can give to others is your own health -- then we do mean that when you are very happy, creative, enthused, you genuinely desire to help others, and you take care of your own physical and mental health -- so then you will be able to care well for others, to pay very loving attention to others. Do you see?
When you are very happy, creative, enthused, you genuinely desire to help others, and you take care of your own physical and mental health -- so then you will be able to care well for others, to pay very loving attention to others...
This is a very powerful "medicine"; this is a very powerful "self-healing" -- this great awareness of the barometers of the heart and soul. You are a soul. If you are feeling unwell, numb, upset and angry -- this is a profound medical test! Do you see?
This is a very powerful "medicine"; this is a very powerful "self-healing" -- this great awareness of the barometers of the heart and soul. You are a soul. If you are feeling unwell, numb, upset and angry -- this is a profound medical test!...
Now, you say, “This is not realistic because there are these "things" that happen that I should be upset about and angry about!” It is not only unrealistic in terms of your sense of “getting well” by being upset and angry (!) -- it is illogical! For, in most cases, we desire to be happy! To be fulfilled! To serve others!
So, being upset is so contrary, such a contradiction to that "ethos" of health, the environment of health -- that it quickly becomes clear that you need to devise your own plans and pay attention to your own happiness and caring for others and your own creativity as well as your own knowledge of how to live healthily for your physical and mental characteristics.
Each of us are very different and have different histories, different lifetimes, and different lessons to learn. Each of us are in a different "course" in the university... We are multidimensional, multi-mission "students." You might be, for example, upset about a circumstance, even if it is beyond the control of those who are living with these negative circumstances, few resources, but this is a matter of viewing life as a "university" rather than feeling entitled to be upset and angry and therefore bringing harmful words or harmful actions toward others.
This is a matter of viewing life as a "university" rather than feeling entitled to be upset and angry and therefore bringing harmful words or harmful actions toward others...
If you recognize "the university," you find your pathway to the freedoms of the heart -- the love of the heart, the love of the heart for you and your own soul and mission, as well as the love for others, their souls and their missions. That is a fundamental foundation for what you describe as "health," which is really happiness, enthusiasm, creativity and great loving service to others.
Love is the essential health... The ability to love in all circumstances and in all situations, regardless of how you are provoked, is the "environment" of peaceful understanding.
Love is the essential health... The ability to love in all circumstances and in all situations, regardless of how you are provoked, is the "environment" of peaceful understanding...
Now, this comprehension or apprehension is very important because all circumstances being equal, if you do not understand these principles, then the principles are not of use to you and will not make sense. They will seem "illogical," even though it might be to others clear that upsetments and anger and feeling helpless are not the pathway to health or happiness or a successful life!
It is important to begin to have steps that you create -- or that others suggest because they have experienced them in their own lives as being of great assistance in these strained, tense, chaotic situations. Your own creations matter greatly.
It is important to begin to have steps that you create -- or that others suggest because they have experienced them in their own lives as being of great assistance in these strained, tense, chaotic situations. Your own creations matter greatly...
What are the steps you can take, the words and visions and mantras you can repeat and draw and the symbols you have near you to remind you of great love and great caring for others, for partners, for children everywhere, for the whole of life on precious planet Earth? These are for your creations! And as you create very healthy, loving, giving -- very giving, very expansive environments in which "service" is represented in those keepsakes you like to have. Then you have created an environment for great health!
And this will lead you toward, "What are, in today's world, today's circumstances of all of the frequencies and the chemical compositions of the food, water, air, and love that I must become aware of? In the same way that I must become aware of my own emotions?"
What are these other factors that it will be of great benefit to research and consider, because you desire to be loving and healthy and be of great service to others, to model happiness and to project happiness and love when you are in contact with other beings?
One of the first steps is to recognize that each event in your life -- even those which are greatly upsetting, even the "headlines," even your historic upsetments for all the years of your life -- EACH OF THOSE CARRY A "GIFT"! Think of it as a "course" for you to understand something about your own growth, how to proceed to higher confidence, higher abilities to love in service.
One of the first steps is to recognize that each event in your life -- even those which are greatly upsetting, even the "headlines," even your historic upsetments for all the years of your life -- EACH OF THOSE CARRY A "GIFT"!...
So, I suggest to you, as we have many times before, that when something happens, take a few seconds to take it in, and then immediately begin to assess, to write this down and draw it (if you don't do that, you will begin immediately "a loop of negative thought" which is not for health): "What is a possible circumstance, meaning, understanding in which I could see this as a 'gift,'? For me, for us, to learn? What is the 'lesson'? And could there even be a message that there is an 'advantage.'"?
This event is speaking to you, this upsetment. You can begin to create your own program of response, such that:
- You immediately recognize that there is a "gift," and that there is a strategic advantage.
- Because there is a lesson which could help you – over a life -- to be 100% happy.
- To be full of love, to be fully creative, to have ideas, thoughts, visions come to you such that you can completely transform this situation and even larger community situations and even the whole planet.
You have a profound and foundational and eternal "university program"! This is what you are and who you are. If you treat it as if it is not that, then you will not be happy or healthy or creative! So, treat it as if it is that. It is a profound "university"!
You have a profound and foundational and eternal "university program"! This is what you are and who you are. It is a profound "university"!...
Begin your new path with great love from the soul and with an immediate step, focus strategically on:
- What is the gift?
- What is the strategic advantage?
- And the lesson -- which is another gift that I or we will receive by understanding a proper expansive response to the upsetment.
In other words, respond as you would like others to respond to you, when you upset them! It is also a recognition that "I am you, and you are me." It is a recognition that whatever I give out will come back to me.
In other words, respond as you would like others to respond to you, when you upset them! It is also a recognition that "I am you, and you are me"...
And so, you begin to design a life in which you give out love, you begin to take steps to be happy, to serve others, and to focus highly on great creativity. It is not called "The Art of Living" for nothing! "The Arts of Living" -- the great music and dancing and singing and creative sculptures -- there are so many of these.
Let us begin to focus on your being happy, creative and confident in your creativity, for you to be of loving service to others, and truly feel, "I am you and you are me." And truly, truly live your life so that it is of as great a benefit to all other beings, with love, as it is to you. And you will be 100% healthy!
Truly, truly live your life so that it is of as great a benefit to all other beings, with love, as it is to you. And you will be 100% healthy!...
In all ways, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet, and I have the greatest love for your eternally creative, loving, expansive soul, your discoveries and creations for eternity.”
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Author’s Note:
The last paragraph was not on audio as it came later in spontaneous, improvisational writing.
Author’s Note:
Grandmother sometimes uses plural verbs in a way that I would not – viewing individuals as multi-life beings and therefore saying “are” where I might say “is” – is fairly routine when she speaks. It seems she often views “each” of us as plural -- a whole pantheon of beings… 😊 )
11-18-23, GRANDMOTHER Continues:
If you are not happy, you are not healthy. By definition. Only it is not “by definition” in your time – health is a chart. When health is measured in happiness, creativity, and loving service to others, you will begin to be super-healthy!”
If you are not happy, you are not healthy. By definition...
Loving service to others is service which is measured by a sense of strong empathy – ‘I am you and you are me’ is the barometer of empathy. If we can feel that connection, we can be of loving service. If we can affirm others as ourselves, we can be of loving service. Judgmental service, forcing compliance, assuming that you are not me and I am not you – and that you hold a superior position which you can use to help others – is not loving service to others.
Loving service to others is service which is measured by a sense of strong empathy – ‘I am you and you are me’ is the barometer of empathy. If we can feel that connection, we can be of loving service. If we can affirm others as ourselves, we can be of loving service...
When there are classes and degrees in ‘loving service to others,’ ‘loving affirmation of others,’ ‘loving kindness to others’! -- and these outweigh the focus of classes on how to accumulate more wealth than others -- do you see that you might be healthier in a profound way?
Health from the heart and soul is all about ‘I am you and you are me.’ For truly ‘I am you and you are me’ – and to some extent, can I truly be healthy if you are not healthy? Can I truly be happy if you are not happy?
Health from the heart and soul is all about ‘I am you and you are me.’ For truly ‘I am you and you are me’ – and to some extent, can I truly be healthy if you are not healthy?...
Health is of the ages… Health crosses time and space and touches the soul of millennia in its deepest reach of empathy, compassion, realization of our connections. I am connected to you and you are connected to me. Let us be healthy and happy together.
I am connected to you and you are connected to me. Let us be healthy and happy together...
Separately, we cannot be 100% healthy and happy. Great creativity is needed for us to understand how to reach this point of love, of bliss, of caring, of understanding the Earth. All life in the universe is connected across space and time. So, if you are not 100% healthy and happy, this impact, this call for help, extends into interstellar realms and hearts.
Separately, we cannot be 100% healthy and happy....
Thus, we gave a message in the past: Repeat this mantra to heal: Meditate on Love for All Beings. Repeat the mantra each day 25 times, and you will feel its energies. Repeat the mantra each day 500 times and you will transform the energies of your life, health, and happiness:
Meditate on Love for All Beings.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
***Questions, Comments, Ideas -- Email: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…
(c) S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: La_Petite_Femme at Pixabay