This is a most intriguing message, regarding the power of “broadcasting” your loving “heart signature” throughout the universe, with each deep meditation with sound. The idea of broadcasting to yourself in …
Grandmother on How to Reconnect in a Disorienting World
Click Audio Player to Play “Grandmother on How to Reconnect in a Disorienting World.” 6 min., 9 seconds. Recorded and posted 8-24-18. TRANSCRIPT QUESTION – SHR: Grandmother, how can we …
Grandmother on How Star Family Meditating Affects Us Physically
INTENTIONAL MEDITATION AND INTERDIMENSIONAL COMMUNICATION… It is possible that dimensional changes — interaction with other dimensions, the experiencing of space, time, and information differently in altered states (as reported at …
Grandmother on Steps to Meditate at Deep Levels of Love to Problem-Solve
A great set of steps to try to problem-solve with a deeper level of love, when the problems and conflict are really tough and nothing else is working… Grandmother on …
Grandmother on Root Origin: Solving Problems in Higher Dimensions
Sparking your imagination to “get to the heart of the matter” — the “root origin” — whatever the problem. Grandmother on Root Origin: Solving Problems in Higher Dimensions. Recorded 8-3-18, …
Grandmother on Speaking the Truth of Oneness
“To speak the truth is a form of creation. The only way to learn the truth, is to try to speak what you think the truth is!” — Grandmother from …
Grandmother on Think of Yourself as a Community–New Dialogue
“I think that my life would change if I had more ways to share with more people with similar views or interests of such abstract quests.”… — SHR —– Can …
Grandmother on How to Change the Planes of Reality Around You
“You are deeply loved in every dimension by countless beings, so many beings, all part of you…” — Grandmother Are we truly co-creating our own reality every minute? How can …