Grandmother on Reaching Beyond: Beyond Pain, Challenges, Eternal Riddles, Unspoken Truths — the Way to New Paths of Love

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Grandmother Blogs, HEALING, MEDITATION, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman


To know is sometimes a great relief…at other times seeming a terrible truth, and you want to break its boundaries. But still, in your greatest moments, you want to know

It is that flying out of words of love, words of the deepest soul, the deepest heart, that reaches all the way to The Beyond….

How will you find the courage? Where will you find the courage? Who are you, when the time comes to find the courage? Will you be ready to find the courage that is the path of readiness?...

You do not have to prepare, but love becomes the words unspoken…finally spoken. From the soul, an unknown light comes, and the truth of you breaks out...

How will it happen? How will the unspoken truths that you know deep in your soul rush out at last?...

-- Grandmother from Another Planet


Sometimes in our greatest pain, messages come for greater understanding, reaching beyond… “Grandmother on Reaching Beyond: Beyond Pain, Challenges, Eternal Riddles, Unspoken Truths -- the Way to New Paths of Love."  Spontaneous, Improvisational, Unedited Meditative Writing of 3-25-22, Posted 3-27-22. Perspectives from an ancient and future extraterrestrial, interdimensional civilization… S.H. Rodman

Transcript below for “Grandmother on Reaching Beyond: Beyond Pain, Challenges, Eternal Riddles, Unspoken Truths -- the Way to New Paths of Love.”  Spontaneous, Improvisational, Unedited Meditative Writing of 3-25-22, Posted 3-27-22.

“Grandmother on Reaching Beyond: Beyond Pain, Challenges, Eternal Riddles, Unspoken Truths -- the Way to New Paths of Love”


Grandmother, how can I reach beyond…beyond a pain or upsetment or challenge or eternal riddle?


I greet you severally, all together, as you reach beyond to find a happiness, even if it has seemed far away, even if you thought it was escaping…

To know is sometimes a great relief…at other times seeming a terrible truth, and you want to break its boundaries. But still, in your greatest moments, you want to know

To know is sometimes a great relief…at other times seeming a terrible truth, and you want to break its boundaries. But still, in your greatest moments, you want to know…

You want to know the unseen truth that never hides in headlines but lives in every heart, in every love foretold….in every future, “if the truth be told….”

Sometimes the answers are in time. Sometimes the answers are in your soul, unspoken. I would like to address for you the unspoken, for that is the home of new truths… New truths always come when the unspoken comes to rest on the lips and rushes out. How will it happen? How will the unspoken truths that you know deep in your soul rush out at last?

New truths always come when the unspoken comes to rest on the lips and rushes out. How will it happen?...

How will you find the courage? Where will you find the courage? Who are you, when the time comes to find the courage? Will you be ready to find the courage that is the path of readiness?

You do not have to prepare, but love becomes the words unspoken…finally spoken. From the soul, an unknown light comes, and the truth of you breaks out. You speak. You grow with hidden words released. You relish the life of loving words, released from hiding, creating the air…

  • Loving words.
  • Loving words.
  • Loving words.
You do not have to prepare, but love becomes the words unspoken…finally spoken. From the soul, an unknown light comes, and the truth of you breaks out...

If you have done this 100 times, then do this 200 times.
Meditate on Love for All Beings…Level 1…100…200…


  • Write your books.
  • Tell your story.
  • This has always been the way…

Meditate deeply your love for all beings, as many levels as you can imagine, every day. Then let the hiding truths of your soul fly out of your lips!! With Love!!!

It is that flying out of words of love, words of the deepest soul, the deepest heart, that reaches all the way to The Beyond….

  • As you speak, as you write, you come “to know from the soul; to know from the heart.”
  • As you Meditate on Love for all beings, you become all beings. That is the full transformation of knowing.
  • That is the full transformation of love.
  • That is the full discovery of you.
It is that flying out of words of love, words of the deepest soul, the deepest heart, that reaches all the way to The Beyond….

With great love for you and all your hidden truths of the soul, your transformations, your discoveries of love, I am Grandmother from Another Planet…

-- Grandmother from Another Planet

S.H. Rodman 3-25-22



This is recommended in this message, and it has been recommended before.

We use sound such as these:


Repeat in your mind after 3 deep breaths:

  • Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 1. (Pause, Listen, Expand with Love)
  • Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 2. (Pause, Listen, Expand with Love)
  • Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 3. (Pause, Listen, Expand with Love)
  • Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 4. (Pause, Listen, Expand with Love)
  • Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 5. (Pause, Listen, Expand with Love)

And so on. Grandmother recommends today even 100 levels. And even “Beyond” – as was my question – to 200 levels. The answer seems to be, if you would “Reach Beyond” pain and challenges, meditate on love for all beings at levels you have never before imagined, and thus “Reach Beyond…”

I have done this twice – Meditate on Love for All Beings, steadily, through Level 100. A profound, even blissful life-changing event. It takes some devoted time, but it is truly “reaching beyond,” and I would feel so differently that I could “see differently” the things that might bring new solutions…

S.H. Rodman


Image Credit: Prawny from Pixabay