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Grandmother from Another Planet: During a Pandemic, a Monumental Time to Shift Identities. You Are Not Walking Alone

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Audio, Grandmother Blogs, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman

“I would like to challenge you to become the person, during this time and for all time, that others are very happy to see coming! This is such a gift, in itself, to make that effort, to be that person. But to do this during a pandemic in which communication is challenged — is above and beyond the call of duty. “

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“Grandmother on The Empowerment of Higher Loving Non-Judgment & a Sense of Global Oneness: Meditation and Non-Judgment As an Anti-Aging Practice”

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Grandmother Blogs, MEDITATION, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman

“There is not a single being on planet Earth, underneath the surface of planet Earth, and in the civilizations above planet Earth in any form of station or ship, who …

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Grandmother on Opening the Heart as One Family: Telling the Stories of Truth as Freeing and Healing

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Audio, Community, Grandmother Blogs, MEDITATION, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman

“There is no mystery about planetary-civilization consciousness when it is focused on family and love, all beings as family, all beings must by loved. Then there is no confusion. Nothing is very complicated when you are open-hearted and treat every being as you would want to be treated.”