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Grandmother on Comfort in Difficult Times – Your Role as a Cosmic Reporter

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Audio, COSMOS, Grandmother Blogs, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman

It was quite surprising that my feeling “down” about all of the events in this world all of a sudden, wondering what to do to be more of service — …

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“Grandmother on What Planet Are You From? Speed Dating on Another Planet: An Interplanetary Identity Exercise…”

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Audio, Community, COSMOS, Disclosure, Grandmother Blogs, Origins, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman

An unusual exercise for everyone! I’ve been using it myself and in sessions… Quite profound and mind-bending to have to creatively introduce yourself improvisationally to a being from another planet …

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“Grandmother on Who Are You? You Are a Light Being – and Other Aspects of Your Higher Dimensional Starry Psyche!”

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Audio, COSMOS, Grandmother Blogs, MEDITATION, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman

There is nothing at all “ordinary” about your ordinary daily life! This is Grandmother from Another Planet on that “non-ordinary-ness” and the starry, higher dimensional intelligence aspects of your intelligence, …