"Grandmother from Another Planet": Audio Messages/Blogs - Over 245 Self-Empowerment Audio/Messages to Choose From!
Is it "live streaming" improvisational, unedited, higher creative intelligence, writing- interdimensional theater? Aspects of our own higher creative consciousness psychology -- as explored by adventurers like Dr. Carl Jung or Jane Roberts ("The Nature of Personal Reality")? For me, it is the adventure of a lifetime! "Grandmother from Another Planet" Blogs, featured on Feedspot's Top 50 Grandparents Blogs List/Newsletter. Do we all have an "Inner Yoda" or "Inner Grandmother"? Practical and strategic. -- S.H. Rodman. Follow @SHRodman on TwitterX - 19,600 Followers.
- Meditation-Sound links -- great meditation sound
play lists. New added Frequently! - Grandmother on Marketing from the Soul
- "GuidePosts" - Short Posts, "Grandmother" and Friends.
- Meditation-Sound links -- great meditation sound
Listed like Chapters of a Book, Chronological! Self-Empowerment Category -- over 245 Blogs/Tips/Advice.
The Language -- a little Sci-fi!! Higher dimensional languaging of "Grandmother from Another Planet" tends to gravitate beyond space-time boundaries and conventional reality. As if reading a "Blog-from-Another-Planet"!
- WELCOME: 1 Recording Transcript.
- SELF-EMPOWERMENT: 245+ Recordings & Transcripts!
- MARKETING FROM THE SOUL: 3 Recordings/Transcripts
- GUIDE POSTS - Short guidance messages, tips.
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WELCOME: 1 Recording/Transcript
"Welcome from Grandmother from Another Planet" - 2 Recordings of 5-19-17 [ first 1 min. 59 seconds; second 5 min. 9 seconds] Transcribed.
SECTION 2 -- SELF-EMPOWERMENT: 200+ Recordings/Transcriptions.
(Chronological by posting date.)
For a random daily "message" or "reading" exercise, choose any # between 1 and the top number (now over 200), and read/listen as a kind of personal message, tip, reading for the day!
1 -- Audio Blog (recorded 3-27-17, posted 7-9-17). "Grandmother on What Is Your Mission," 16 min, 54 seconds. Very useful for the "What is my next step?" question, or other issues of transitional choices. One of earliest original "Grandmother" spontaneous recordings of 3-27-17, posted 7-9-17. Transcribed.
2, 3, and 4 - Three Audio Blogs "Grandmother on Creating New Space, Revenue, Resources, Being" (Recorded 6-5-17) - 3 Recordings of 6-5-17, posted 6-7-17 -- [first 6 min. 14 seconds; second 3 min. 12 seconds; third 1 min. 35 seconds] Transcribed.
5 - Autowriting Blog (Written/posted 6-20-17 in meditation). "Grandmother on Defining Levels of Self-Realization: Begin with Africa," Transcript of spontaneous written blog in meditation 6-20-17, with meditation instructions. Transcribed.
6 - Autowriting Blog (Written 6-30-17, posted 7-1-17). "Grandmother on Becoming and Living as a Being of Layered Multidimensional Awareness" - the Mask... Spontaneous automatic writing. Transcribed.
7 - Audio Blog (Recorded 8-16-17, posted 2-7-18): "Grandmother on Consciously Growing Star Consciousness." Transcribed.
8 - Audio Blog (Recorded 3-27-17, Posted 7-10-17), "Grandmother on What Is Your Mission?" 16 min., 54 seconds. Transcribed. One of the earliest recordings of "Grandmother from Another Planet."
9 - Audio Blog (Recorded 9-8-17, posted 2-9-18): "Grandmother on Solving Upsetments" 3 minutes, 50 seconds. Transcribed.
10 - Audio Blog (Recorded 9-30-17): "Grandmother on Why Look Up into the Cosmos," 9-30-17 Post, 4 min., 4 seconds. Transcribed.
11 - Audio Blog (Recorded 11-15-17, posted 11-15-17), "Grandmother on Keep Posting Those Classes/Articles". 10 min., 10 seconds. Discouraged? Never give up. 10 min., 10 seconds. Transcribed.
12 - Audio Blog (Recorded/posted 12/15/19) "Grandmother on Your Story of Truth -- A Lightning Bolt," 21 min., 54 seconds. Transcribed. You are here to tell a story. About the amazing power of telling your Story of Truth...
13 - Audio Blog (Recorded 8-17-17, Posted 2-7-18), "Grandmother on Grow Star Consciousness," 1 minute, 27 seconds. Transcribed.
14 - Audio Blog (Recorded 1-25-18, posted 2-7-18), "Grandmother on Solving Problems Vibrationally" (4 min. 20 seconds.) How might a higher dimensional being view problem-solving! Transcribed.
15 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 2-9-19), "Grandmother on Solving Upsetments," (3 min., 50 seconds.) Transcribed.
16 - Audio Blog (Recorded 1-25-18, Posted 2-9-18): "Grandmother on the Joy of the University" -- 4 minutes, 30 seconds. How to change your approach to handling new problems and people as part of a co-created "University." Transcribed.
17 - 18 - 2 Recordings. Audio Blog (Recording/Posted 3-10-18,) "Grandmother on Communication in Higher Vibrational Intelligence" -- Part 1, 5 min., 39 seconds. Transcript. Part 2 - same page, scroll down: "Grandmother on Techniques for Higher Vibrational Communication," (Recorded/Posted 3-10-19), 6 min., 65 seconds). Transcript.
19 - Audio Blog (Recorded 4-11-18, Posted 4-11-18), "Grandmother on How to Handle Volatile Times." 8 minutes, 29 seconds. Transcribed. It was tremendously helpful for me to understand better the "catalyst" nature of our times -- to push us to higher intuitive discernment and personal growth, from a higher dimensional perspective.
20 - Audio Blog (Recorded 6-8-18, Posted 6-28-18), "Grandmother on This Is Not the Time to Stop!" (4 min., 18 seconds). Transcribed.
21 - Audio Blog (Recorded 6-22-18, posted 6-28-18), "Grandmother on Solving and Creating Mysteries." (6 min., 41 seconds) .Transcribed.
22 - Audio Blog (Recorded 6-28-18, Posted 6-29-18), “Grandmother on Why to Expand Your Telepathic Intuition NOW!” Surprising! (7 min. 13 seconds. ) Transcribed.
23 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 7-11-18).: "Grandmother on Opening Greater Communication with Streaming Higher Guidance." (10 min., 9 seconds.) Transcribed . Are we in the midst of a global, interplanetary, and galactic initiative to increase higher consciousness and communication?
24 - Audio Blog (Recorded 4-27-17, posted 7-18-18). Grandmother on "Calling the Higher Self" -- A Whole New Mind. (4 min., 1 second.) Working with a new level of your own higher creative intelligence. Transcribed.
25 - Audio Blog (Recorded 11-4-17, Posted 7-18-18): "Grandmother on Consciously Creating New Timelines." (1 min., 42 seconds.) This is why you are here! Transcribed.
26 - Audio Blog (Recorded 7-19-18, posted 9-22-18), "Grandmother on Where to Go -- an Exercise."(6 minutes, 20 seconds). Important dialogue with the soul, the Higher Self on 'Where to go" and "What to do"... Transcribed.
27 - Audio Blog (Recorded/posted 7-27-18), "Grandmother on Contacting Your Star Family," (7 min., 10 seconds). Transcribed.
28 - Audio Blog (Recorded 8-5-18, posted 8-5-18). Grandmother on "How to Change the Planes of Reality Around You--New Dialogue. (7 min., 13 seconds.) Transcribed.
29 - Audio Blog (Recorded 3-28-18, posted 8-5-18). Grandmother on "Think of Yourself as a Community--New Dialogue." (4 minutes, 53 seconds). Transcribed.
30 - Audio Blog (Recorded 2-27-18, posted 8-10-18). Grandmother on "Speaking the Truth of Oneness." (7 minutes, 38 seconds). Transcribed.
31 - Audio Blog (Recorded 8-3-18, posted 8-16-18). Grandmother on "Root Origin: Solving Problems in Higher Dimensions." (6 minutes, 36 seconds). Transcribed.
32 - Audio Blog (Recorded and posted 8-17-18). Grandmother on "Steps to Meditate at Deep Levels of Love to Problem-Solve." (6 min., 58 seconds). A profound exercise that with focus, can enable new ideas about "solutions" to emerge... Transcribed.
33 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 8-24-18). "Grandmother on How Star Family Meditating Affects us Physically." (9 min., 57 seconds). Unusual! And more relevant than you might think. Can interaction with other dimensions, new experiencing outside space and time in altered states (as reported at times in near-death experiences, paranormal encounters, or high-level synchronicities) — alter our cellular activity and even DNA? And intentional meditative connecting with our ancient past affect us physically? Very powerful.
34 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 8-24-18). "Grandmother on How to Reconnect in a Disorienting World." (6 min., 9 seconds). Transcribed.
35 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 8-24-18). "Grandmother on the Power of Remembering Star Families, Broadcasting, Love." (6 min., 9 seconds). Most intriguing re:the power of broadcasting your loving “heart signature” throughout the universe, with each deep meditation. Transcribed.
36 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 9-13-18). "Grandmother on Letting Go of Old World Secrets and Boundaries." (11 min., 15 seconds). In answer to my question about new worlds of higher dimensional, even extraterrestrial communication. Transcribed.
37 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 9-15-18). "Grandmother on Why We Are Here, Unprecedented Times -- and Home." Is higher intuitive intelligence and PSI–higher super-sensory perception–increased during unprecedented times? Might these be the times of “breakthrough thinking”? Transcribed.
38 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 9-21-18). Grandmother on "Steps to Take and 'The 5 Levels of Love' Meditation." A powerful meditation which can have strong results. Am beginning to use daily, for higher dimensional creative-intuitive intelligence practice. Transcribed.
39 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 9-28-18). Grandmother on "Your Great Co-Creative Power During Catalyst Events." (7 min., 46 seconds. A powerful message on using global "Catalyst Events" to increase your co-creative personal power. Transcribed.
40 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 10-7-18). "Grandmother on Shifting Gears and New Terrain Each Month." (8 minutes, 22 seconds.) Got a mission? And new obstacles seem to appear all the time? Wonder why?A very different view from a higher creative dimension. It's simply new terrain. And it prompts us to "shift gears." Transcribed.
41 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 10-19-18). "Grandmother on What to Do When You Feel Like Running Away from The World." (9 min., 55 seconds.) One of the most powerful and moving of Grandmother's messages and for a time when it is most needed. Have tissue. Transcribed.
42 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 10-24-18, "Grandmother on Turning Uncertainty into an Eternity of Love." (9 minutes, 12 seconds). Transcribed.
43 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 11-11-18), "Grandmother on Becoming a Co-Creative Transformer." (7 minutes, 27 seconds). A concept of truly "transforming" your power as an identity in this time of catalytic events. Transcribed.
44 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 11-11-18), "Grandmother on Working with Higher Guides As a Transformer." (12 minutes, 39 seconds). Powerful. Having taken on a "Transformer" identity -- with regard to time, space, matter, energy -- what are the steps to work with your own "higher creative intelligence" or "higher self" and other "Guides" from what appear to be higher dimensions? Transcribed.
45 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 11-15-18), "Grandmother on Why Increasing Intuition Is an Evolutionary Act." (6 minutes, 28 seconds). Transcribed.
46 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 11-21-18), "Grandmother on Your Cosmic Role, Consciousness, Heritage, Terran and Extraterrestrial." (12 minutes, 15 seconds). Transcribed. One of two powerful cosmic "origin" and higher intuitive mind messages received the day before Thanksgiving.
47 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 11-21-18), "Grandmother on Your Mission to Expand Intelligence -- the Choice on Planet Earth." (8 minutes, 33 seconds.) Transcribed. If you're wondering what your mission is -- a higher dimensional, extraterrestrial viewpoint...
48 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 11-30-18), "Grandmother on What Do I Create Next on Earth?" (9 minutes, 20 seconds.) Transcribed. Given all that's happening in the world, useful guidance about: What do I do next??!!
49 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 12-6-18), "Grandmother on Preparing for Higher Dimensional Communication and Space Exploration." (9 minutes). Transcribed. Will there be skills for "Extraterrestrial Communication"? I have been teaching such classes for 12 years. A little ahead of its time, or right on time?
50 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 12-12-18), "Grandmother on It Is Time for the Truth of You to Be Your Life." (9 minutes, 42 seconds). Transcribed. This message go to "the heart of the matter" perhaps more than I was prepared for...
51 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 12-25-18), "Grandmother on What is My Role -- What Can I Do to Help on Earth?" (21 minutes, 9 seconds) Transcribed.
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52 - Audio Blog (Recorded and Posted 1-5-19), "Grandmother on You As Science Fiction," (6 min., 6 seconds). Transcribed.
53 - 54 - 2 Recordings - Audio Blogs (Recorded and Posted 1-9-19), "Grandmother on the Sound of the Universe," (Part 1), 2 min. 6 seconds)
Transcribed. And Part 2, "Grandmother on vaster Sounds of the Universe and Human Consciousness," (7 min., 59 seconds). Transcribed.
55 - Audio Blog (Recorded 1-19-19, Posted 1-27-19), "Grandmother on Rainbow Higher Dimensional Mind Practice." (8 minutes, 43 seconds.) Transcribed.
56 - Audio Blog (Recorded, posted 1-27-19), "Grandmother on The Sensei Dimension and Higher Energy," 13 minutes, 36 seconds. Transcribed. Powerful, unexpected -- and in the midst of recording a series of unknown "knocks" occurred -- only audible on the recording, not in the room! Listen!
57 - Audio Blog (Recorded 2-24-19, posted 3-3-19) -- 2 Long Blogs/Transcripts part of same message: PART 1 "Grandmother on Your Role of Ascension in the Universe." 22 min. 26 seconds. Transcribed. "Becoming Fluent in Higher Dimensions." Like an "Ascension "class" with Audio and Transcripts for Part 1 and Part 2.
58 - Audio Blog (Recorded 2-24-19, posted 3-3-19), Part 2 of "Ascension Class": "Grandmother on Meditation as Interdimensional Communication." (24 minutes, 42 seconds). Meditation as an act of empathy, and act of love, a practice for higher dimensional thinking.
59 - Audio Blog (Recorded 4-9-19, posted 5-14-19): "Grandmother on Being in a State of Love When a Beloved Being Is Passing." (10 minutes, 15 seconds). Powerful guidance for handling any kind of grief or deep worry that a beloved being might pass. A reminder for me of the power of being in a state of love to respond to any crisis or emergency. Transcript.
60 - Audio Blog (Recorded, Posted 5-14-19): "Grandmother on How to Move a Mountain." (8 minutes, 33 seconds). Transcript. Thinking Way Out of the Box -- on moving a mountain...
61- Audio Blog (Recorded, posted 5-22-19): "Grandmother on How to Handle Conflict within Ourselves or with Others." (12 minutes, 10 seconds.) Transcribed.
62 - Audio Blog (Recorded 5-28-19, Posted 5-29-19), "Grandmother on the Art of the 3 Wishes," (7 min., 7 seconds). Transcribed.
63 - Audio Blog (Recorded 6-24-19, Posted 6-25-19): "Grandmother on How to Handle Big Life Changes with Balance - When You Want to Panic." (16 minutes, 48 seconds). Transcribed.. We are at the end of the industrialization era -- perhaps the beginning of the interdimensional era. This is how to handle it...
64 - Audio Blog (Recorded 7-12-19, Posted 7-23-19): "Grandmother on the Art of Interdimensional Communication" (14 minutes, 30 seconds). Transcript. An unusual sort of "sci-fi" blog that was part of the instructions for a "sci-fi" meditation. Suspend belief and enjoy the ride!
65 - Audio Blog (Recorded 7-23-19, Posted 7-23-19): "Grandmother on Solving the Unsolvable -- As a Form of Consciousness Evolution," (14 minutes, 30 seconds). Transcript. A unique view on advanced consciousness problem-solving in higher realms, where solving the unsolvable is a way of life -- and an Art form.
66 - Audio Blog (Recorded 7-29-19, Posted 7-31-19): "Grandmother on 2 Options for Planning Your Day," (3 minutes, 34 seconds). Transcript
67 - Audio Blog (Recorded 7-29-19, Posted 7-31-19): "Grandmother on Transforming a Problem into Solutions with Higher Consciousness Perception," (7 minutes, 24 seconds.) Partial Transcript. Full Transcript shortly.
68 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 8-14-19): "Grandmother on How to Use Higher Creative Intelligence During 'Wild Times,'" (13 minutes, 12 seconds.) Transcribed. One of my favorites -- surprising practical for daily life when reality seems "wild."
69 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 8-21-19): "Grandmother on Handling Polarized Conflict with Higher Intelligence," (13 minutes, 4 seconds.) Transcribed. Great insight into duality as perceived from a higher dimensional viewpoint...
70 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 8-28-19): "Grandmother on What's Your Real Address?" - (9 minutes, 15 seconds). Transcribed. Identity and our cosmic "addresses." "You are not a local address..."
71 - Audio Blog (Recorded 8-30-19 for class, Posted 9-4-19), "Grandmother on Putting a Lot more Love and Creativity into the Situation!" (13 minutes, 3 seconds). Transcribed.
72 - Automatic Writing (9-5-19), "Grandmother on How to Have a Loving Relationship with a Partner." Transcribed. Short -- and could change your strategies on partner relationships.
73 -- Audio Blog, (Recorded 9-4-19, Posted 9-5-19) "Grandmother on Steps to Change Your Personal Energy, Creativity, and Relationships," (14 minutes, 38 seconds). Transcribed. Basic but powerful daily exercises that could change life...
74 -- Automatic Writing Blog (Written 1-11-19, Posted 9-8-19) "Grandmother on How to Change Reality, Enjoy Your Life." Transcribed.
75 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 9-24-19) -- "Grandmother on 5 Steps to Handle Contradictions in the Pathway," (13 minutes, 9 seconds). Transcribed. Great exercise in this blog, shifting your energy by creatively reviewing, reassessing, recreating Identity.
76 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-11-19) -- "Grandmother on Living as a Conscious Creator Daily," Recorded 10-2-19, Posted 10-10-19 (8 minutes, 19 seconds). Transcribed.
Note: #77, 78, 79 recorded the same evening, a powerful connected message.
77 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10/17/19 - first of three), "1) Grandmother on Want to Change Your Timeline? It Is You..." (12 minutes, 43 seconds) Transcribed. 1st Recording of 10-17-19.
78 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-17-19 - second of three. "2) Grandmother on When You Change You, You Change Reality" (7 minutes, 11 seconds.) Transcribed. 2nd Recording of 10-17-19.
79 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-17-19, third of three. "3) Grandmother on I Am the Dimension I Occupy." (1 minute, 11 seconds.) Transcribed. 3rd Recording of 10-17-19.
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80 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-25-19), "Grandmother on the Power of Every Thought, Message, and Communication." (12 minutes, 8 seconds.) Transcribed.
81 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-25-19), "Grandmother on You Are Your Thoughts and Communication in a Very Real Way." (5 minutes, 23 seconds). Transcribed
82 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-25-19), "Grandmother on Meditation Is a University, Particularly for Young Children to Know Early On." (4 minutes, 1 second). Transcribed.
83 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-25-19), "Grandmother on How to Handle Criticism Which Upsets You." (6 minutes, 28 seconds). Transcribed.
84 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 10-30-19), "Grandmother on the Gift of Handling Many Little Daily Emergencies," (14 minutes, 50 seconds). Transcribed.
85 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 11-6-19), "Grandmother on Looking for Direction? Reset to Service to Others and Higher Dimensional Intelligence," (7 minutes, 11 seconds.) Transcribed.
86 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 11-12-19, Posted 11-13-19), "Grandmother on Consider an Hour a Day of Wild Imagination," (6 minutes). Transcribed.
87 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 11-27-19), "Grandmother on What Do We Know that We Do Not Know We Know--and How to Know It?" (10 minutes, 52 seconds). Transcribed.
88 - Audio Blog (Recorded 11-27-19, Posted 12-4-19), "Grandmother on Nothing Is Ever Lost." (6 minutes, 39 seconds). Transcribed.
89 - Audio Blog (Recorded 11-27-19, Posted 12-22-19), "Grandmother on When You Worry about the Details, You Miss the Details," (3 minutes, 29 seconds). Transcribed. Great tips from a higher dimensional perspective -- for those worrying over the details.
90 - Audio Blog (Recorded 12-8-19, Posted 12-24-19), "Grandmother on Transforming Life and Location in Times of Speedy Evolution." (14 minutes, 57 seconds.) Transcribed. Great exercise on where/how do I live -- by planning "The Ideal Day"... Try it.
91 - Audio Blog (Recorded 12-23-19, Posted 12-24-19). "Grandmother on a 2019 Holiday Greeting and the Most Important Thing about 2020." (9 minutes, 14 seconds.) Transcribed. Could we have the most empowering New Year ever?
92 - Audio Blog (Recorded 12/31/19, Posted 1/1/20), a new decade -- "Grandmother on the Road to the Mountain Top." (11 minutes, 9 seconds.) Transcribed.
93 - Blog Transcript Only (Recorded 12-19-19, Posted 1-11-20.) "Grandmother on New Horizons, Joy, and Love for Health and Clarity of Mind." A personal dialogue blog -- so only the Transcript of what Grandmother advised is posted. A vaster encouragement for when feeling ill or discouraged.
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94 - Audio Blog (Recorded 1-7-20, Posted 1-15-20). "Grandmother on There Is Never a Dull Moment and There Is Never a Doubt." (57 seconds.) Transcribed. Short and REALLY encouraging!
95 - Audio Blog (Recorded 1-8-20, Posted 1-15-20.) "Grandmother on You Have the Right to Dream a New World." (5 minutes, 54 seconds.) Transcribed. Powerfully motivating on every kind of front.
96 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 1-16-20.) "Grandmother on the Power of Higher Consciousness Communication Ability." (8 minutes 5 seconds.) Transcribed.
97 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 1-16-20.) "Grandmother on 2 Steps to Increase Higher Consciousness Communication Ability." (6 minutes, 47 seconds.) Transcribed.
98 - Audio Blog (Recorded 1-23-20, Posted 1-24-20.) "Grandmother on Extraterrestrial Contact." (16 minutes, 26 seconds.) Transcribed. Grandmother: "This business of extraterrestrial and extradimensional communication is self-discovery, with the deepest love."
99 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 1-28-20). "Grandmother on Why Do Deep Personal Meditation States on Love Matter for Relationships and Health?" (11 minutes, 15 seconds.) Transcribed. Includes full instructions for "5 Levels of Love" deep meditation. A basic meditation practice that can be done daily.
100 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 1-31-20.) "Grandmother on Higher Dimensional Intelligence Practice, Self-Transformation." (12 minutes, 1 second.) Transcribed. In a way, a description of the work of our weekly Paranormal/ET Roundtables and even Right Brain Aerobics practices...
101 - Audio Blog, (Recorded/Posted 2-6-20.) "Grandmother on Who Are You? You Are a Light Being -- and Other Aspects of Your Starry Psyche!" (12 minutes, 27 seconds.) Transcribed. Includes an introduction for two powerful meditations, the "Star Talk" practice and an introduction to the "Light Being Stargate Meditation."
102 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 2-11-20, Posted 2-12-20.) "Grandmother on 3 Things to Do When You Find Yourself Upset and Clueless." (11 minutes, 56 seconds.) Transcribed. Powerful exercises to use in ANY field for problem solving as well as to handle upsetments in daily life and relationships. I'm using it daily.
103 - Audio Blog (Recorded 2-12-20, Posted 2-20-2020.) "Grandmother on What Planet Are You From? Speed Dating on Another Planet: An Identity Exercise." (PART 1, 1 minute, 26 seconds. PART 2, 9 minutes, 16 seconds.) Transcribed. REALLY enjoying this powerful exercise -- great for younger people as well as adults. Improvisational Science Fiction!
104 - Audio Blog (Recorded 2-24-20, Posted 2-25-2020.) "Grandmother on Comfort in Difficult Times -- Your Role as a Cosmic Reporter." (14 minutes, 41 seconds.) Transcribed. Feeling "down" about the times we live in? This blog gives you an anecdote -- you have a job to do as a cosmic reporter and investigator! Thing is, that perked me up!
105 -- A HEALING MEDITATION AT THE PLANETARY LEVEL IN THE MIDST OF ALL THAT IS GOING ON IN THE WORLD TODAY -- Play individually or in groups. Audio Blog, (Recorded/Posted 3-9-20) "Grandmother on a Deep Healing Planetary Meditation: 10 Levels of Love." (20 minutes, 58 seconds.) Transcribed.
106 - Audio Blog and Online Healing Meditation. Play individually or in groups. (Recorded/Posted 3-11-20.) "Grandmother on We Are Family: Meditation on Healing and Transforming the Earth with Love." (21 minutes, 41 seconds.) Transcribed.
107 - Audio Blog (Recorded 3-19-20, Posted 3-24-20), "Grandmother on What to Do Now: A Time of Earth Transformation." (9 minutes, 28 seconds.) Transcribed.
108 - Audio Blog on the Times of the Global Pandemic. (Recorded 4-1-20, Posted 4-5-20), Full Title: "Grandmother on Extraordinary Times of Self-Examination, Great Love, Great Healing, Unimaginable Strength -- Revolution in Thought, Revelation of Truths, Taking Responsibility for All Life: Doing Better for Each Other. The Most Powerful Time in Your Life on Earth…” (12 minutes, 59 seconds.) Transcribed. With opening section of key Quotes.
109 - Audio Blog (Recorded 4-10-20, Posted 4-11-20), "Grandmother on Make Time for New Creativity -- Becoming Something Unexpected. Empowering Meditation/Preparation Time for a New Future on Earth." (8 minutes, 29 seconds.) Transcribed. At this time in the world, I love the "Become Something Unexpected" message!
110 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 4-14-20, Posted 4-15-20), "Grandmother on How Can We Help Each Other Even When We're Isolated?" (20 minutes, 25 seconds.) Transcribed.
111 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 4-14-20, Posted 4-15-20), "Grandmother on Are We Ever Truly Isolated? Mastering the Art of Higher Dimensional Communication." (16 minutes, 12 seconds). Transcribed.
112 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 4-17-20, Posted 4-18-20), "Grandmother on Seeing Every Challenge as a 1) Gift, 2) Advantage, 3) Lesson: The Big Picture. Refocusing Time and Strategies for Quicker Solutions," ( 2 minutes, 37 seconds.) Transcribed. Do the Exercise!
113 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 4-30-20), "Grandmother on Creating New Work and Missions for a New Time on Earth: 6 Impossible Things in Wonderland." (11 minutes, 27 seconds.) Transcribed. Another great exercise -- try it!
114 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 4-30-20), "Grandmother on Aiming Your Energy Toward 'What Is My Dream?'" (5 minutes x seconds.) Transcribed.
115 - Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 5-7-20), "Grandmother on How to Find Hidden Mysteries and Answers: Becoming a new person in a Pandemic." (5 minutes x seconds.) Transcribed. Powerful concept or meditation to expand, meditate upon higher senses for higher/expanded perception or being able to "see" the answers, to "see" with expanded perception, things that are "hidden" -- and thus become a new person of "seeing," even during a time of a global pandemic.
116 and 117 - Audio Blogs Part 1 and 2 (Recorded/Posted 5-13-20), Part 1, "Grandmother on Understanding Big Transition Events: Writing Cosmic Questions," 19 minutes, 6 seconds, and Part 2 (Same link/page), which followed immediately after -- scroll down for "Grandmother on Writing Your Cosmic Questions from Higher Dimensional Perspectives," 3 minutes 8 seconds. Transcribed. A powerful creative-consciousness-mind stretch, writing Cosmic Questions in Big Transition Events in a time of Global Pandemic.
118 - Audio Blog (Recorded 4-12-20, Posted 5-16-20), "Grandmother on Slow Down Time to See Between the Lines: Seeing that Which Is Hidden," 6 minutes, 5 seconds. Transcribed.
119 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 5-19-20, Posted 5-20-20), "Grandmother on Creating a New Life and Healthy Biosphere with Love for All: An Unknown Future after a Global Pandemic," 16 minutes, 6 seconds. Transcribed.
120 - Audio Blog. (Recorded 6-10-20, Posted 6-11-20), "Grandmother on a New Identity: Telling the Stories of Truth, and Taking Care of Every Child on Earth," 34 minutes, 58 seconds. Transcribed.
121 - Audio Blog. (Recorded 6-16-20, Posted 6-22-20), "Grandmother on One Family on Earth: Caring for All Children. Beyond the News to a Transforming State of Love," 20 minutes, 34 seconds. Transcribed.
122 - Audio Blog (Recorded 6-30-20, Posted 7-1-20), "Grandmother on Transmuting Our Judgments of Others into Higher Love," 15 minutes, 40 seconds. Transcribed. A loving, comforting offering for our times...another view on how to bring peace into the heart...
123 - Audio Blog (Recorded 7-4-20, Posted 7-8-20), "Grandmother on Opening the Heart as One Family: Telling the Stories of Truth as Freeing and Healing," 9 minutes, 13 seconds. Transcribed.
124 - Audio Blog. (Recorded 7-8-20, Posted 7-11-20), "Grandmother on Empowerment of Higher Loving Non-Judgment & A Sense of Global Oneness: Meditation & Non-Judgment as an Anti-Aging Practice," in 3 parts recorded in the same session. Part 1, 13 minutes, 6 seconds; Part 2, 7 minutes, 2 seconds; Part 3, 3 minutes, 52 seconds. Transcribed. The messages intriguingly link this to the "physics" of higher consciousness/psychology, and the requirements for interstellar travel.
125 - Audio Blog, (Recorded/Posted 7-20-20), "Grandmother from Another Planet on How Can I Plan or Change My Life Now? The Joy Lists," 12 minutes, 38 seconds. Transcribed. Answering a key question today: "How do I plan even the next week, let alone the next year or two when everything changes from week to week!?"
126 - Audio Blog,(Recorded/Posted 7-22-20), "Grandmother on During a Pandemic, a Monumental Time to Shift Identities. You Are Not Walking Alone," + 10 Tips List for shifting Identities More Affirmatively & Productively During the Pandemic--Sandra Rodman. 9 minutes, 17 seconds. Transcribed. Great exercises and tips for how to transform mental focus, relationships, communication during challenging times.
127 - Audio Blog, (Recorded/Posted 7-30-20), "Grandmother from Another Planet on You Are an Interstellar Being. Time to Get Creative," 13 minutes, 32 seconds. Transcribed. A powerful astronomy-based case is made for your "interstellar nature" -- could meditating on this potential help us expand creativity in these times?
128 - Audio Blog (Recorded 8-5-20, Posted 8-6-20), "Grandmother on Move Forward with Your Mission Even During a Pandemic or Great Challenge," Part 1, 5 minutes, 23 seconds. Part 2, 14 minutes, 38 seconds.) Transcribed. Don't let even a pandemic deter you -- powerful motivation for moving ahead and inspiring others, no matter what the obstacles.
129 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 8-22-20, Posted 8-23-20), "Grandmother on If You Sit in Nature with the Trees, Who Would You Be? Your Larger Nature and Identity: A Meditation Exercise," 5 minutes, 40 seconds. Transcribed.
130 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 8-22-20, Posted 8-28-20), "Grandmother on Taking a Walk in Nature in 3 Ways: Expanding Imagination and Sense of Beauty," 8 minutes, 16 seconds. Transcribed.
131 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 8-31-20, Posted 9-1-20), "Grandmother On A Call to Higher Love and Creativity on Earth: Be a Model of Love for the Children." 15 minutes, 8 seconds. Transcribed. A powerful Call to Love, to meditate in higher loving states to understand that " "Believe me, you are needed throughout the universe."
132 - Audio Blog, (Recorded/Posted 9-9-20), "Grandmother On Want To Time-Travel? You Do It Every Day. The Power of Human Consciousness," 14 minutes, 30 seconds. Transcribed. Great blog and exercise to stretch the mind into higher physics/space travel/cosmological realms.
133 -- Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 9-9-20,) "Grandmother On Want To Time-Travel? You Do It Every Day. The Power of Human Consciousness," 14 minutes, 30 seconds. Transcribed. More articles from scientific research emerging on the time travel or considerations for space exploration. Exciting. The meditative exercises are mind-stretching!
134 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 9-16-20, Posted 9-17-20,) "Grandmother on Your Vast Cosmic Identity: Your Daily Travel in the Cosmos," 10 minutes, 49 seconds. Transcribed. "You believe that you are not part of these stars and planets in the heavens. You are..." The implications for human consciousness as we begin to meditate on our vaster cosmic identity...
135 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 9-19-20, Posted 9-20-20,) "Grandmother on You Are Entangled with Every Atom in the Universe: 'You' Are a Transformational Surprise! Arts in the Cosmos..." 5 minutes, 58 seconds. Transcribed. "The ability of the human being, of human consciousness, to perceive and to communicate in vast rings and layers of realities is so great that it defies description in anything resembling a language..."
136 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 9-29--20, Posted 10-1-20), "Grandmother on Reaching Out with Love When All Seems Impossible to Understand: The Universal Language of Transformation," 14 minutes, 29 seconds. Transcribed.
137 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 10-6-20, Posted 10-7-20), "Grandmother on How to Get Healthier & Happier During a Pandemic: Your Environment of Health," 12 minutes, 1 second. Transcribed.
138 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 10-28-20, Posted 11-1-20), "Grandmother on Your Ability to Transform Your Life: Transmuting Energy on Earth to Love for All Beings," 6 minutes, 23 seconds. Transcribed.
139 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 11-5-20, Posted 12-1-20), "Grandmother on All the World Is a Stage: How We Learn from Mass Dramas and Listen with Love," 24 minutes, 51 seconds. Transcribed.
140 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 11-11-20, Posted 12-2-20), "Grandmother on Where Is the Goal? New Identities and Finding Common Ground," 4 minutes, 18 seconds. Transcribed. Very helpful for me when attempt to assist communication and finding common ground with polar opposite groups.
141 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 11-30-20, Posted 12-7-20), "Grandmother on Finding Gifts in Each Other, Unleashing Joy & New Creativity During These Times," 18 minutes, 57 seconds. Transcribed.
142 -- Audio Blog (Recorded 12-9-20, Posted 12-14-20), "Grandmother on How Your Positive Visioning becomes Reality: Hope and High-Intuition as Times Rapidly Change," 11 minutes, 17 seconds. Transcribed.
143 -- Audio Blog, (Recorded 12-24-20, Posted 12-24-20), "Grandmother on Happy Gift Giving: Becoming a Gift of Joy for Others," 5 minutes, 33 seconds. Transcribed.
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144 -- Audio Blog, (Recorded 12/31/10, Posted 1-1-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on Your Role of Transforming Energies on Earth in the New Year," 16 minutes, 3 seconds. Transcribed.
145 -- Audio Blog, (Recorded 1-15-21-21, Posted 1-20-21 ), "Grandmother on the Power of the Open Heart and the Open Mind," 10 minutes, 36 seconds. Transcribed.
146 -- Audio Blog, (Recorded 1-21-21, Posted 1-31-21), "Grandmother on 'What Shall I Do?' Ask 'What Shall I Become?': Sherlock Holmes, Master Yoda, and Time Travel," 15 minutes, 53 seconds. Transcribed.
147 - Deep Meditation Automatic Writing Blog, (Written 2-2-2021, Posted 2-3-21), "Grandmother on I Am the Answer to the Puzzle, the Peace on Earth: 12 InterdimensionalQuotes for Our Times.." Transcribed.
148 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 2-27-21, Posted 2-28-21), "Grandmother on Finding Your Way to a New Place to Live: Meditating on Where to Move," 12 minutes, 26 seconds. Transcribed.
149 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 2-27-21, Posted 2-28-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on What to Do about the Impossible," 10 minutes, 56 seconds. Transcribed.
150 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 3-12-21, Posted 3-15-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on the Power of Openhearted Listening," 9 minutes, 26 seconds. Transcribed.
151 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 3-22-21, Posted 3-28-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet: How to Handle Sleeplessness with Higher Dimensional Meditation," 12 minutes, 38 seconds. Transcribed. Includes a great Meditation with suggested sound, for enter sleep in higher frequencies.
152 - Audio Blog. (Recorded 3-21-21, Posted 3-31-21), "Grandmother on How to Stabilize a Topsy-Turvey Reality."16 minutes, 4 seconds. Transcribed.
153 - Audio Blog. (Recorded 4-24-21, Posted 4-26-21), "Grandmother on You Are the Story You Want to Tell the World," 14 minutes, 15 seconds. Transcribed.
154 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 4-27-21, Posted 4-29-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on Seeing' with a Higher Loving Intelligence Perspective," 15 minutes, 50 seconds. Transcribed.
155 - Audio Blog. (Recorded 5-8-21, Posted 5-9-21), "Grandmother on What Are the Future Pathways Available to Us Now? Natural, Creative, Healing Communities," 20 minutes, 16 seconds. Transcribed.
156 - Audio Blog. (Recorded 5-29-21, Posted 6-1-21,) "Grandmother from Another Planet on Finding the Way Home: An Odyssey of Discovery," 23 minutes, 45 seconds. Transcribed. Meditations on discovery are very powerful in these times.
157 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 5-29/21, Posted 6/9/21,) "Grandmother from Another Planet on Are You Ready? Powerful Steps to Handle Upcoming Changes -- Part 2 of 'Finding the Way Home," 17 minutes, 7 seconds. Transcribed. Extremely clear steps or protocols for handling any crisis or challenge or obstacle in a new way, to generate new, creative viewpoints and solutions.
158 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 6-16-21, Posted 6-18-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on Being Generous of Spirit, You Change the World: The Power of Generosity and Empathy," 15 minutes, 45 seconds. Transcribed.
159 - Audio Blog, (6-16-21, Posted 6-20-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on Put More Love into It -- to Solve Anything," 6 minutes, 33 seconds. Transcribed. This is psychologically very practical -- I've turned around whole situations in past by using this to "turn around" my own mind, then turning around the situation with more love -- was easier!
160 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 6-29-21, Posted 6-30-21), "Grandmother on the Intelligence of Joy: How Joyful Intelligence Leads to the Greatest Happy Innovation," Recorded 6-29-21, Posted 6-30-21, 11 minutes, 58 seconds. Transcribed.
161 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 6-30-21, Posted 7-4-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on Creativity and the Windmill: The Winds of Impossible Dreams Are with Us," 7 minutes, 50 seconds. Transcribed. A powerful iconic image, the Windmill, boosted my creativity meditating on "The Impossible Dream"...
163 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 7-6-21, Posted 7-7-21), "Grandmother on Trying to Find Yourself Over 70 -- Looking for New Freedom of Spirit, Creativity, Cultures, and Your Higher Self at Any Age...," 19 minutes, 13 seconds. Transcribed.
164 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 7-5-21, Posted 7-10-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on the Greatest Thing about 'Confusion' -- You Aren't Locked into Habit: Discovering What You Truly Want in Times of Great Change," 12 minutes, 40 seconds. Transcribed.
165 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 7-11-21, Posted 7-12-21), "Grandmother on the Power of Small Steps of Love in Your Daily Life," 9 minutes, 38 seconds. Transcribed.
166 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 7-15-21, Posted 7-20-21), "Grandmother on 7 Steps and 7 Senses: Expanding Your Highest Creative Intelligence for These Times," 24 minutes, 53 seconds. Transcribed. With Meditation Summary and Sound Links. A mini-class and technique that could well-impact daily life, communication, relationships, awareness.'
167 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 7-17-21, Posted 7-22-21,) “Grandmother on the Power of Changing Your Name! How High Awareness of ‘Naming’ Can Change Life, Career, Relationships," 18 minutes, 13 seconds. Transcribed. Powerful exercise and psychology for changing the energies and communication in your life.
168 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 7-27-21, Posted 7-31-21), "Grandmother on Find 3 Good Things about Your Biggest Challenge: Let Go, Open Doors of Creativity, Transform Life," 19 minutes, 57 seconds. Transcribed. Really good exercise for viewing challenges from a higher consciousness point of view.
169 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 8-2-21, Posted 8-12,21), "Grandmother on 10 Great Things: 'High Potentials" in the Chess Game of Life. The Psychology of the Insurmountable," 12 minutes, 8 seconds. Transcribed. The concept of "High Potentials" is introduced, to see that no matter what the challenge, it could hold "High Potential" for solutions in Life.
170 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 8-24-21, Posted 8-25-21), "Grandmother from Another Planet on the Healing Power of Earth's Natural Beauty -- & Your Natural Beauty," 8 minutes, 28 seconds. Transcribed. Ever think that your health could change just by walking in Nature -- but beyond that, meditating on the sheer beauty of Nature? A different kind of healing walk...
171 - Audio Blog, Part 1 & 2 (Recorded 8-26-21, Posted 8-29-21), "Grandmother on Love at the Crossroads," Part 1, 2 minutes, 42 seconds, Part 2, 8 minutes, 42 seconds. Transcribed. A different way to view constant influx of contradictions and polar opposites -- from a higher dimensional psychology, with Love...at the many Crossroads we face today...
172 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 8-27-21, Posted 8-30-21), "Grandmother on The Gifts Protocols: Find Loving Higher Intelligence in Every Lesson Learned," 13 minutes, 34 seconds. Transcribed. Quote: "We have explained the power of seeking to find a Gift, an Advantage, a Lesson, an Expansion of work and understanding in each event in your life and on Earth, as a way of ;seeing' all events with higher dimensional, loving, compassionate, forgiving understanding. We would like to add an element to this today, and that is Intelligence."
173 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 8-27-21, Posted 8-30-21), "Grandmother on The Gifts Protocols: Find Loving Higher Intelligence in Every Lesson Learned," 13 minutes, 34 seconds. Transcribed. Quote: "We have explained the power of seeking to find a Gift, an Advantage, a Lesson, an Expansion of work and understanding in each event in your life and on Earth, as a way of ;seeing' all events with higher dimensional, loving, compassionate, forgiving understanding. We would like to add an element to this today, and that is Intelligence."
174 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 9-8-21, Posted 9-9-21), "Grandmother on How Focus on Value in All Things Transforms Communication, Leadership, and Generosity of Spirit," 10 minutes, 52 seconds. Transcribed. Powerful exercise of mental focus that can impact daily life and work with new creative inspiration.
175 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 9-29-21, Posted 10-1-21) "Grandmother on the Power of the Dream State for Learning and Life!" -- 10 minutes, 34 seconds. Transcribed. Try this simple meditation before sleep and upon waking. Opens little portals into your own intuitive intelligence that previously went unseen, unheard...
176 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 10-20-21, Posted 10-22-21), "Grandmother on Building Unlikely Bridges, Building Unlikely communities: The Power of the Force of Higher Dimensional Love," 10 minutes, 37 seconds. Transcribed. The word "Unlikely" bridges is a lot more powerful than I thought -- try the simple meditation and focus -- it can change your strategies!
177 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 10-26-21, Posted 10-29-21), “Grandmother on Let Go of Worry & Shift to Higher Loving Mind: Becoming a Galactic Citizen," 21 minutes, 10 seconds. Transcribed. A powerful tool in these times, when worry can weigh us down. The idea of becoming a "Galactic Citizen" is far from my mind -- but the message process lifted me out of worry!
178 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 10-31-21, Posted 11-4-21), “Grandmother on Are We Responsible? How to Shift Life-Work Environments into Higher Frequencies for Greater Loving Service to Others,” 15 minutes, 27 seconds. Transcribed. Exciting links to ideas that arose doing this meditation and reading the message -- liquid crystal paint, thermal paint and glass panels in lieu of heaters, and Google's creation of a Time Crystal." Yowza!
179 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 10-31-21, Posted 11-9-21), "Grandmother on Love Every Single Thing in Your Environment to Transform Its Energies," 9 minutes, 41 seconds. Transcribed. This exercise changed my daily work and life routines significantly -- and added greatly to personal happiness.
180 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 11-11-21, Posted 11-25-21 ), "Grandmother on What Does 'Done' Look Like? 3 Steps for Visioning 'Done'," 15 minutes, 24 seconds. Transcribed. This is actually a fantastic work/career/planning protocol, with many exercises within -- could be used even for business teams!
181 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 11-11-21, Posted 11-30-21,) "Grandmother on Dancing Your Way into New Solutions," 15 minutes, 29 seconds. Transcribed. Powerful combination of free-style, creative dancing and meditative "solution" visioning -- would be great for teams and even for conflict resolution. Dancing from Another Planet...
182 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 12-14-21, Posted 12-15-21), "Grandmother on Divided Families Have a Great Deal to Offer Each Other -- Personal Growth as Star Family Citizens," 12 minutes, 55 seconds. Transcribed. The simplest of exercises -- but with a powerful interplanetary identity = soul growth level university...
183 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 12-16-21, Posted 12-18-21), "The Wacky World of Grandmother's Technology -- Wild Things Happen!" "Grandmother on Love Your Technology to Understand It!" 5 minutes, 23 seconds. Transcribed. A wild time when we tried a "Test" blog to fix our tech -- up for just a few seconds -- but was scooped up for a national Feedspot Newsletter! And that's not all! This "Grandmother" message does work: Do LOVE your computer and say that all day to keep electronics working! Focuses the mind, intent.
184 - Audio Blog, (Recorded 12-20-21, Posted 12-21-21), “Grandmother on ET Communication: Open Doorways in Higher Creative Mind & Heart to Create New Earth, New Bridges, New Cosmic Civilizations,” - 18 minutes, 47 seconds. Transcribed. A beginning class on Extraterrestrial Communication -- and why it's needed now! Done for Winter December Solstice... Powerful food for thought about contemplations, opening new creative mind and heart, creating new identities and even new civilizations during these times, to prepare for future non-Terran civilization contact -- civilizations that might be a million years old...
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185 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 1/4/22, Posted 1/5/22). “Grandmother on the One Heartbeat that Will Change the World Quickly." Transcribed, unedited. Powerful, comforting message in spontaneous unedited writing. "You are the Dream..."
186 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 1/7/22, Posted 1/9/22). “Grandmother on the Great Power of Visualizing Your True Heart’s Desire, Unlimited by Narrow Ranges of Physical Perception: New Dreams!” Transcribed, unedited. Visualizing your dreams at a much higher level!
187 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 1-26-22, Posted 1-27-22.) "Grandmother on How the Loving Healing of Your Own Pain Can Lead to the Creation of Great Healing Socieites. Transcribed, spontaneous. Rethinking even your own healing as the seed for creating new societies with the power of personal healing.
188 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 2-5-22, Posted 2-5-22.) "Grandmother on What Will You Do? Creating Power Grids of Acts of Kindness." Transcribed, spontaneous. I couldn't believe how much difference trying this for a day made this week! Easy steps and motivation to understand creating your own "power grids" of kindness and gratitude to change daily life and communication.
189 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 2-7-2, Posted 2-13-22.) “Grandmother on Where’s My Map? Seeing Invisible Places, Hearing Unheard Symphonies” Transcribed. "Ever feel like you can't find your map?" This is the times we live. This is an ET view of "finding your map" even in these times!
190 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 2-13-2, Posted 2-16-22.) “Grandmother on a Time of Great Reconnections Across the Earth, Time, and Space." Transcribed. One of the most uplifting of all of Grandmother's messages, especially for these times!
191 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 2-20-2, Posted 2-24-22.) “Grandmother on Dreaming Together: How to Meet those Who Dream the Same Dreams You Dream. Are You a Dream?” Transcribed. How a higher dimensional extraterrestrial society might view "dreaming together" as a very real way of connecting with new friends across time and space. Most intriguing. "Seek the dream, and the dream will seek you..."
192 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 2-27-22, Posted 3-8-22). “Grandmother: A Dialogue on Speaking Together, Staying Loving and Empathetic during Rapid, Constant Change.” Transcribed. One of the most powerful and emotional of all Grandmother blogs, a dialogue with me when I was in a state of shock -- and it greatly helped me understand that love and empathy in deep meditation can help me stabilize and calm in my environment regardless of constant change and global events! It is an excellent example of the Right Brain Aerobics intuitive exercise, "Inner Genius Q&A" -- in this case "Inner Grandmother Q&A"... My voice and identity are just very, very different than when Grandmother is speaking... Can we all have such dialogue every day? #RightBrainAerobics.
193 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 3-9-22, Posted 3-17-22 ). "Grandmother on 'The Invisible Solution'": What Are We Missing?" Transcribed. Unusual higher dimensional/ET approach to "seeing" solutions beyond our usual boundaries.
194 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 3-25-22, Posted 3-27--22). “Grandmother on Reaching Beyond: Beyond Pain, Challenges, Eternal Riddles, Unspoken Truths -- the Way to New Paths of Love." Transcribed.
195 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 3-29-22, Posted 4-1-22). “Grandmother from Another Planet on the Power of Past and Future Life Intelligence.” Transcribed. Amazing Meditations in our weekly "Paranormal/ET Roundtable" expanding this exercise and view!
196 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 4-3-22, Posted 4-6-22). "Grandmother on How to Discover Joy and Richness in Each Being: A Treasure Hunt." Transcribed.
197 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 4-4-22, Posted 4-8-22). “Grandmother on the Magic of Expanding the Creative Multidimensional Self. Yowza!" Transcribed. Do the exercise -- transforming for me in one week! Truly a "Yowza!" My personal notes and experience of trying out this "Magic" is included.
198 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. (Written 4-9-22, Posted 4-18-22). “Grandmother on Your Life Is the Story Telling You Do Today: The Power of Intuitive Story Creation.” Transcribed. Doing this practice can have a powerful impact on life and career.
199 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother on the Secret to Understanding the Paranormal and UFOs." (Written 4-13-22, Posted 4-23-22). Transcribed. Perceiving "beyond..." Yowza.
200 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: Do You Suspect There’s Other Life in the Cosmos? Exercises for Higher Dimensional Intelligence Beyond Narrow Limits." ( Written 4-25-22, Posted 4-26-22). Transcribed. Very unusual meditation exercises with sound -- can these help expand higher intelligence communication/perception abilities? Important for the coming future?
201 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet on What If You Moved to Another Planet? Becoming Vast..."(Written 5-5-22, Posted 5-7-22). Transcribed. Stretch the mind into a new dimension! Are we destined to be part of space-traveling civilizations?
202 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet: Are You an Extraterrestrial Cosmic Being? In Every Sense? Think Bigger!” (Written 5-5-22, Posted 5-9-22). Transcribed. Truly a "Stretch-your-mind-into-another-dimension" Blog!
203 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet: Your Telepathic Future – The Great Winds of Time Change Everything.” (Written 5-14-22, Posted 5-30-22). Transcribed.
204 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet: Is It Time to Create New Interplanetary 'Home Bases' and Communities? As Old 'Home Bases' Change During Wildly Transforming Times?" (Written 5-25-22, Posted 5-31-22). Transcribed.
205 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet: You Are the Stories of the Universe, the Adventures in the Stars, with Freedom to Create Forever." (Written 6-8-22, Posted 6-12-22). Transcribed.
206 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother on What to Do in Great Turmoil When Feeling Pain, Grief, Loss: Becoming the Respite of Love!" (Written 6-20-22, Posted 6-26-22). Transcribed.
207 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet: The Impossible Healing,” (Written 6-27-22, Posted 6-30-22). Transcribed.
208 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: Questions to Ask about Extraterrestrial Civilizations! Empowering Cosmic Contemplation!" (Written 7-6-22, Posted 7-12-22). Transcribed.
209 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: Finding Your Voice As You Become and Interplanetary Space-Traveling Society." (Written 7-16-22, Posted 7-26-22). Transcribed. Powerful lessons for finding a new voice in today's society.
210 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: The Creative Interstellar Mind." Includes more than one message which came in 7-26-22 and 7-27-22. (Written 7-26-22, Posted 7-28-22). Transcribed.
211 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother on The Age of Interstellar Travel: Meditation Exercises for Supersensory Awareness." (Written 8-8-22, Posted 8-20-22). Transcribed. A Powerful Supersensory Awareness Meditation is included.
212 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: Moving Day in the Cosmos." (Written 8-22-22, Posted 8-27-22). Transcribed. The impact for me, moving at 80 was amazing, comforting -- a simple, true story of who and where we are! We are always "moving" through our cosmos, on our planet -- and our love, our heart, is always where "home" is!
213 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: 'Winging It' in the Cosmos -- Free the Dreams!" (Written 8-30-22, posted 8-31-22). Transcribed. Freeing!
214 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother on The Greatest Truth: How to Get Home in a Turbulent Storm." (Written 9-22-22, posted 9-25-22). Transcribed.
215 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother on Who Will You Be, What Will You Discover? -- The Sky Is the Limit!” (Written 10-4-22, posted 10-22-22). Transcribed.
216 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: Liberating Yourself from Exhaustion! Playing a New Role!” (Written 10-11-22, posted 10-17-22). Transcribed.
217 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother on How to Solve the Puzzle of Frenzied Energy and Understand Your Own Creative Power.” (Written 10-31-22, posted 11-3-22). Transcribed.
218 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother on The Boomerang Principle… A Higher Dimensional View of New Healing Frequencies and Programs Coming to Earth!” (Written 10-23-22, posted 11-15-22). Transcribed.
219 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother on You Are an Interstellar Citizen: Contact and Connections with Interstellar/ET Civilizations.” (Written 12-6-22, posted 12-6-22). Transcribed.
219 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet: The Glowing of the Open Heart Is the Greatest Gift of All.” (Written 12-6-22, posted 12-6-22). Transcribed.
220 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet: The Storyteller’s Secret – Discoveries Can Empower Your Creative Life.” (Written 12-28-22, posted 12-31-22). Transcribed.
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221 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Wow! Grandmother on the Power of Chaos and Contradictions to Spark Breakthroughs to Higher Dimensional Creativity.” (Written 1-4-23, posted 1-16-23). Transcribed.
222 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother from Another Planet: Set the Words Free! (Written 2-9-23, Posted 2-11-23). Transcribed.
223 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother on the Simplest Steps to Highest Happiness Begin with One Desire!” (Written 2-15-23, Posted 2-16-23). Transcribed.
224- Audio Blog. (Recorded 2-24-23, Posted 2-28-23.) “Grandmother on Can We Learn to Teleport and Bi-locate During Rapid-Change Times? New-Identity Learning.” 12 minutes, 2 seconds. Transcribed. First Audio Blog psoken in over a year. Voice issues healed sufficiently to record audio again!
225 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. "Grandmother from Another Planet and Friends on Your Precious Higher Human Creative Intelligence -- You Become What You Focus On!" (Written 3-3-23 and 3-7-23, Posted 3-8-23). Transcribed. Powerful messages regarding new AI "chat" assistance -- and increasing higher human creative intelligence far beyond this level. First blog with extensive "Grandmother from Another Planet & Friends" messages -- and a long SHR Introduction. I spent decades working in innovative areas of large corporations or small non-profits in technology innovation -- so these new developments of the last couple of months led to quite a series of new messages! Interesting times!
226 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. "Grandmother from Another Planet: The Power of Circles of Star Grandmothers -- An Allegory." (Written 3-15-23, Posted 3-21-23). Transcribed. One of the most important and forward-looking of all Grandmother blogs! Definitely "Thinking Way Seriously Out of the Box!" What would be the power of "Circles of Star Grandmothers" coming together on Earth to solve planetary problems!? Meditate on this one...
227 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. "Grandmother from Another Planet: How to Renew on Earth Right Now at Any Age!" (Written 4-14-23 and 4-18-23, Posted 4-23-23). Transcribed.
228 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother from Another Planet: How We Can Come Together Again as Families from the Stars, Despite all Discord.” (Written 4-18-23, Posted 4-24-23). Transcribed. Way "Out of the Box" for brining families together on Earth again after the last 4-5 years...a higher context from Grandmother -- getting to your own true "star story" and love for all beings, to build bridges with families and friends once estranged...
229 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on Seeing UFOs and Higher Frequency Realities: Supersensory Human Abilities?” (Written 4-28-23, Posted 5-8-23). Transcribed. Includes many meditations for increase higher creative consciousness and intuitive human abilities.
230 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother from Another Planet: 10 Reasons to Pay Attention to the Coming of New Worlds.”(Written 5-14-23, Posted 5-23-23). Transcribed. Very practical -- I'm already using some of the 10 Reasons as 10 Steps for creating new work, writing, missions!
231 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on 10 Things You Love: Focus Exercise to Transform Daily Mindfulness, Habits, Goals.” (Written 5-24-23, Posted 5-30-23). Transcribed. I find a great way to shift the energies of the day, overcome worry and writer's block, change mood and relationships.
232 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on Healing in Higher Dimensions: Cosmic Healing in Volatile Times.” (Written 6-23-23, Posted 6-24-23.) Transcribed.
233 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on Seeing UFOs and Higher Frequency Realities: Supersensory Human Abilities?” (Written 6-24-23 and 6-28-23, Posted 6-29-23.) Transcribed. First in a new series on "Extraterrestrial Communication."
234 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on Considerations for Extraterrestrial Communication: Improving Your Communication Skills and Relationships in Higher Frequencies.” (Written 6-28-23 and 6-29-23, Posted 6-30-23.) Transcribed. Part of the "Extraterrestrial Communication" series.
235 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. "Grandmother on What Ways Can We Best Handle Great Loss and Grief with Love?” About liberating acts of love, kindness, and service even in the midst of grief and loss (Written 8-11-23, Posted 8-12-23.) Transcribed.
236 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother from Another Planet: How Can One Person Make a Difference? The Journey to Find Your Starhood,” (Written 8-19-23, Posted 8-22-23.) Transcribed.
237 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on Riding Wild Waves of Change: Learn to Love Forever in the Universe.” (Written 9-12-23, Posted 9-14-23.) Transcribed.
238 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on Understanding Ancient History and the Eternal Mythology of You…” (Written 9-30-23, Posted 9-30-23.) Transcribed. "The ancient stories and mythologies live on and evolve. Then live on and evolve in you." You are the evolution of history!
239 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Part 1. Grandmother on Grandmother on Pathways to Sleep: A Brush with Eternity, Truth, and Love in the Stars…” (Written 10-22-23, Posted 10-26-23.) Transcribed. "To sleep is to know the truth in the heart and brush against the softness of eternal love…"
240 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Part 2. Grandmother on Pathways to Sleep: The Mantra of Love – Sleeping in the Stars… The Practice.” (Written 10-22-23 , Posted 11-1-23.) Transcribed. "Love can override all sleeplessness…regardless of its cause…"
241 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages."Grandmother on Your Ability to Transform Your Life: Transmuting Energy on Earth to Love for All Beings." (Written 11-2-23, Posted 11-3-23) Transcribed. "If you feel tense, do you not instinctively sense that you should “shake it out – shake it off”? Flail about happily with happy music, like a child?"
242 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on Find the Star in Your Heart and Deepest Love in the Great Lessons of the Universe.” (Written 11-8-23, Posted 11-10-23.) Transcribed. "And you will begin, in these times, to see yourself in others and others in you, and that we come together to become better and forgive and be forgiven, to love and be loved forever."
243 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on How to Become 100% Healthy, Happy, Creative, in Loving Service to Others. (Written 11-15-23, Posted 11-18-23.) Transcribed. "In the end, the very best measure is how truly happy and creative and enthused you are, especially enthused about helping others. Would you not say this is a good criterion for determining if you are 100% healthy."
244 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother on 5 Steps & a Starship: How to Start a New Business Mission in Wild Times.“ (Written 12-29-23, Posted 12-31-23.) Transcribed. "To open this portal, this mission timeline, this plane of new creation -- imagine that it has begun and now you must open the door." The name I was given during a session in a Tachyon Chamber was "Starship Books"..." Now what would I do with that?? Could it be turned into a "ship"?? Yes... Well, in a previous meditation I had asked for: "I want a starship!" But I sure didn't think it would be this! What an ending for 2023 and beginning for 2024!
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245 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Messages. “Grandmother: From ‘None of the Above’ to ‘All of the Above’ -- New Identity, New Reality.” (Written 2-8-24, Posted 2-9-24.) Transcribed. "There is enough love in the universe to solve all problems…" ... "Love is the choice that is All of the Above..."
246 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother on Freeing the Heart to Speak Again of Greatest Loves…” (Written 2-13-26, Posted 2-26-24.) Transcribed. Quote: "In the greatest truth, in the knowing of the self, lies freedom…"
247 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother on How Do I See My Hidden Paths and Let Go of Doubts?” (Written 4-29-24, Posted 4-30-24.) Transcribed. Quote: "To give in a higher radiance requires light not currency. The only currency is love. It is love which enlightens the paths…"
248 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. "Grandmother on The Treasure Hunt of Your Life." (Written 6-11-24, Posted 6-11-24.) Transcribed. Quote: "What did you learn today that was a treasure? To ask this question of each student at the end of a school day is the noblest treasure hunt!..."
249 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message.“Grandmother on Opening the Secret Doorways of New Worlds. (Written 6-24-24, Posted 6-24-24.) Transcribed. Quote: "The presence and vision, the creations you seek in dreams, live within you… You will emerge in being. Love opens every secret doorway. You will emerge as a new world…"
250 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother from Another Planet on How to Slow Down Time.” (Written 6-24-24, Posted 6-24-24.) Transcribed. Quote: "To slow down time, know yourself and all will be revealed."
251 - Spontaneous Improvisational/Automatic Writing Message. “Grandmother on Foundational Love and Gifts in Every Challenge, Event, and Lesson.” (Written 8-29-24, Posted 8-31-24.) Transcribed. Quote: "If you change, would not the world around you change? Things change in the world when you change in the world…"
AND 17 more:
An additional 3 Audio Blogs/Transcripts on Grandmother on Marketing from the Soul, are given below, "Section 3, Marketing from the Soul."
An additional 14 Audio Blogs/Transcripts on looking at Numbers/Numerology to understand higher dimensional reality and problem-solving, are given below, "Section 4, Numerology and Reality."
SECTION 3 -- MARKETING FROM THE SOUL: 3 Audio Blogs/Transcriptions -- plus an entire automatic writing book, available separately.
1 - Audio/Writing Quotes (written 4-30-17 and 5-3-17) Grandmother's Quotes from "Marketing from the Soul" - from Transcripts of 4-30-17 and 5-3-17 recordings for the class/book: "Marketing from the Soul: Transformational Marketing." Transcribed from automatic intuitive writing for book.
2 - Audio Blog (Recorded 5-16-17). Grandmother on "Marketing as Authorship" - (recorded 5-16-17, posted 6-7-17). (4 min. 51 seconds.) Transcribed.
3 - Audio Blog (recorded 4-27-17). Grandmother on "Marketing as Self-Realization" - posted 6-11-17. [13 min. 42 seconds.) Transcribed.
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This was all recorded in one evening, and was a sea-change n how I look at "numbers" in the world, and my work with "Right Brain Numerology" sessions.
14 Audio Blogs on: NUMBERS, SACRED NUMEROLOGY, and how this impact your relationship wiith REALITY. Self-Empowerment Special!
A change in our inter-dimensional, higher mind/consciousness relationship with numbers, numerology, equations, higher dimension formulas, geometries - can change our relationship with reality -- and our identity...! Deep, stick with it. "Number Mind" and "Geometry Mind" Meditations to be added. Numerological Empowerment and Handling Higher Reality. 14 Audio Blogs recorded on the same evening, 3-18-18 beginning just before midnight -- all related to Self-Development.
PART/PAGE 1: "Grandmother on Numbers, Numerology, Reality, and Solving Tough Dilemmas" Transcribed.
THE POWER OF NUMBERS... I found some of the exercises life-changing. Includes these 9 Audio Blogs and Transcripts all at this link. May require listening more than once, as this is deep information. It came in tandem with new work I'm doing on "Right Brain Numerology Charts" - and extended, for me, the whole concept of "numerology" and the mathematical nature of both the Universe and human consciousness potential, far beyond anything I could imagine.
Click Here! All on one page! Transcribed.
1 “Grandmother on Numbers/Numerology and Reality.” 11:56 pm, 3-28-18. 10 minutes, 45 seconds. Transcribed.
2 “Grandmother on Universal Law and Numbers.” And our relationship therein… 12:08 am. 3-29-18. 2 minutes. Transcribed.
3 “Grandmother on Your Amazing Relationship with Numbers.” 12:12 am. 3-29-18. 5 minutes, 24 seconds. Transcribed.
4 “Grandmother on the Living Universe of Numbers.” Includes comments on Quantum Computing and Superposition. 12:19 am. 3-29-18. 3 minutes, 13 seconds. Transcribed.
5 “Grandmother on Your Life as ‘Solving for X.'” “Is not your whole life an equation?” 12:24 am. 3-29-18. 22 seconds. Transcribed.
6 “Grandmother on Math Majors/Lineages.” I had at one point considered switching college majors from Theater to Math, having had an excellent, creative Math Instructor. For how many of us, might an excellent, creative Math Instructor helped change our relationships with Numbers? Math? Physics?… 12:24 am. 3-29-18. 5 minutes, 22 seconds. Transcribed.
7 “Grandmother on Translating ‘Mantras’ into Equations.” For any of you who have found an intuitive increase listening to the sound of ‘mantras,’ as I have, or chanting — this is a whole other way to assess the power this transforming experience… 12:32 am. 3-29-18. 2 minutes, 9 seconds. Transcribed.
8 “Grandmother on Savant Communication and Numbers.” 12:37 am. 3-29-18. 2 minutes, 19 seconds. Transcribed.
9 “Grandmother on How Living Numbers See YOU...” 12:41 am. 3-29-18. 51 seconds. Transcribed.
PART/PAGE 2: "Grandmother on Numbers, Numerology, Reality, and Solving Tough Dilemmas"
Click Here for the 5 Recordings in Part 2 -- all recordings and Transcripts on same page.
1 ” Grandmother on Solving Negative Dilemmas.” 12:44 am, 3-29-18. 4 minutes 6 seconds. In effect, solving tough negative dilemma options in the “I” (“eye”) of Oneness… This was very moving for me — it brought me to tears to think that every truly negative dilemma you can solve — you solve it on behalf of everyone! Transcribed.
2 ” Grandmother on Solving Dilemmas Joyfully!” 12:49 am, 3-29-18. 1 minute, 58 seconds. A powerful recording — about how to come through Oneness – to solutions where it seems no matter which way you turn, or which choice you make, something negative might happen for someone! These dilemmas occur in life — being forced to ‘choose the lesser of two negative choices’! What to do?! Transcribed.
3 ” Grandmother on Think of Yourself as a Community…” 12:53 am, 3-29-18. 4 minutes, 53 seconds. Transcribed.
4 ” Grandmother on Being a Different Model!…” 12:59 am, 3-29-18. 2 minutes, 43 seconds. Extremely powerful, for anyone who is focused on a different ‘model’, but worries about being too ‘different’! This is about thriving on your difference and publishing it far and wide — as a “model“! And that that is how we get new “models” of reality! Transcribed.
5 ” Grandmother on Speaking in a New Language!…” 1:03 am, 3-29-18. 3 minutes, 11 seconds. In a sense: How new languages based on new models of reality — are formed. And the importance of speaking and publishing from the heart of who you truly are, and not editing this or shying away from it. In fact, encouraging speaking more and more from the reality that includes all the aspects of “you” — as a form of creating new languages as part of new realities… Transcribed.
The very first recording (which followed in a few minutes my first experience of Grandmother speaking -- on the topic of disclosure, capturing its message). I went to grab my phone to record the second one which came in immediately.
1 - Grandmother's First Recording: "Grandmother on Disclosure," (Recorded 3-25-17), 6 min. 43 seconds. And the story of how it began, from Grandmother's new book on the First Year.
2 - Grandmother's Second Recording -- "Grandmother: How I Sound and The Sounds of Disclosure," (Recorded 3-27-17.) 6 min., 18 seconds. Transcribed.
Meditation and Sound Links recommended for those who've come to Right Brain and Grandmother From Another Planet sessions. Posted 3-24-18. Sub-Page and Post.
Deep Meditation on 5 Levels of Love. Recorded/posted 11-11-18. Blog Post.
1 - ADVANCED Audio Blog (Recorded/Posted 8-15- 19): "Oron on Explorations of Portals for Higher Dimensional Education," (21 minutes, 47 seconds.) Transcript for Class.
For more: See "Guide Posts" -- from Grandmother-From-Another-Planet material and transcripts of other "Inner Yoda" messages discovered during deep sound "right brain" meditation over a decade.
Schedule your own Private Consultation or Class -- or attend a Public Event .. Contact me at 425-214-2926 or Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
More information about my work with "Grandmother From Another Planet, " sessions, how tapping this streaming of a different kind of "intelligence" began, as well as how to set up private sessions for insight/messaging with "Grandmother" as well as Right Brain Numerology:
- About: Contact Information and Playwright's Backstory: How did this improvisational "interdimensional" material emerge? Can everyone do this?
- Events, Classes, News
“I didn’t think it was my job to accept what everyone said I was and who I should be.” -- Benjamin Alire Saenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe.
“But often, in the world’s most crowded streets,
But often, in the din of strife,
There rises an unspeakable desire
After the knowledge of our buried life;
A thirst to spend our fire and restless force
In tracking out our true, original course;
A longing to inquire
Into the mystery of this heart which beats
So wild, so deep in us—to know
Whence our lives come and where they go.” -- Matthew Arnold
“Dreams are manifestations of identities.” -- Kathy Acker
Photo Credit: Pixabay License - Geralt, Network, #3213667
All blogs, pages, Copyright Sandra H. Rodman, Grandmother from Another Planet. All rights reserved. Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
We do not use cookies or collect your personal data or share any personal information with anyone else or any company or business. We do not even have a form or request to sign up for an email list because this site does not maintain an email list. We are making this web site's blogs and contents available to everyone with no need to pay or sign up for anything. If you do send an email or call with a question or to have a private consultation, we do not share that information or any personal communication with anyone.
If you quote or place audio recordings on other sites or if you are an aggregator, we ask that you give full attribution to: S.H. Rodman, Grandmother from Another Planet and link to: www.GrandmotherFromAnotherPlanet.com. w