SHR: What is the secret for “contact” and community as we come to know those who travel among many star civilizations?...
Thought travels. Intergalactic civilizations and citizens travel. Bridges are built as thoughts are shared…
You are a citizen of an interstellar civilization – with or without awareness of the unseen programs of all of the enterprises and organizations of Earth. Some work daily on interstellar travel, protocols, missions, communication, and for quite some time.
Why would you think, at this stage, that you are not already, an interstellar citizen??
A look up into your own skies at night, so full of galaxies and stars, will tell you that there are legions, legends, and lineages to explore far beyond your guided tours…
All secrets fall away with this recognition – that at some interstellar, intergalactic, interdimensional level, “I am you and you are me”…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
This message from Grandmother from Another Planet gets to the heart of the question: How can we have personal, direct contact, communication with extraterrestrial civilizations? Beyond public sightings and published narratives – is there something else for us to do, histories we have, histories we can make? What can we discover for ourselves? What contact can we ourselves discover with interstellar citizens? Are we already interstellar citizens? What can we learn and discern ourselves -- and how? Is it going to be up to us to build bridges with other interstellar civilizations? Why?...
Intriguing. Enjoy “Grandmother on You Are an Interstellar Citizen: Contact and Connections with Interstellar/ET Civilizations.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 12-6-22, posted 12-6-22, S.H. Rodman.
“Grandmother on You Are an Interstellar Citizen: Contact and Connections with Interstellar/ET Civilizations.” 12-6-22
SHR: Grandmother, what is the secret for “contact” and community as we come to know those who travel among many star civilizations?
Good question, as these are civilizations of thought – as are the civilizations of Earth!... Thought travels. Intergalactic civilizations and citizens travel. Bridges are built as thoughts are shared.
Thought travels. Intergalactic civilizations and citizens travel. Bridges are built as thoughts are shared...
Let us begin with a question: What thoughts would you like to share with other interstellar civilizations today?
Write it out like art. Artists would write, drawing along the way to pull at hidden dreams and desires… Make art of your thoughts, and you can share them with higher dimensional congruity that might surprise you…!
SHR: What do you mean “other” interstellar civilizations?
You are a citizen of an interstellar civilization – with or without awareness of the unseen programs of all of the enterprises and organizations of Earth. Some work daily on interstellar travel, protocols, missions, communication, and for quite some time. On every planet, in every star system, there are different levels of “knowing,” which are accelerated through necessity and creativity, each more startling than the last.
You are a citizen of an interstellar civilization – with or without awareness of the unseen programs of all of the enterprises and organizations of Earth. Some work daily on interstellar travel, protocols, missions, communication, and for quite some time...
Why would you think, at this stage, that you are not already, an interstellar citizen?? What makes you think there are not many levels of “knowing” of the full multidimensional civilizations across time? Beyond “knowing” what you might learn in prestigious venues and reports approved for your general navigations, there are hidden venues of learning that explorers accidentally or on purpose discover every day, which stun them!
Why would you think, at this stage, that you are not already, an interstellar citizen??...
There are ancient and future prestigious venues of the mind…which explorers find and report in hidden ways, sometimes in art, sometimes hidden in writing and locations unsuspected. There are many more avenues to “see beyond” – guess beyond, know beyond that which is logical and safely undisputed to know.
There are many ways to communicate and discuss these discoveries with those citizens of other interstellar civilizations who wish to creatively join in explorations, for there is always “New Unknown” being created daily!
There are many ways to communicate and discuss these discoveries with those citizens of other interstellar civilizations who wish to creatively join in explorations,..
A look up into your own skies at night, so full of galaxies and stars, will tell you that there are legions, legends, and lineages to explore far beyond your guided tours… Learning in unguided tours, “discovery minds" that are part of your histories and abilities to synchronize, to symbolize beyond the languages you speak, to higher languages of soul and sound, senses unexpected, waiting for the asking of new questions, far away questions…to reveal the "universities of communities of interstellar civilizations," available to you -- if you are willing to explore the mind as if it were your path to explore its full frontiers and higher frequency conversations going on daily. Interstellar, intergalactic, interdimensional universities and conversations, new communities of the mind, experiences, creative thought explosions ready for you to express them, expose them as a higher truth of you…
You have “connections” with other interstellar, intergalactic, interdimensional communities of consciousness.
You have “connections” with other interstellar, intergalactic, interdimensional communities of consciousness...
Meditation is a kind of interstellar communication as well as interstellar art…a kind of interstellar university… That is why we give you so many!
Meditation is a kind of interstellar communication as well as interstellar art…a kind of interstellar university…
What could you learn, what could you know, when you assume that you know a great deal more than you believe is possible? And understand? Why would you look into a sky of planets, stars, and galaxies and ever think that there was no civilization like your own? No consciousness like your own? No way to communicate instantly with other interstellar civilizations and citizens of the universe in every dimension and time?
What could you learn, what could you know, when you assume that you know a great deal more than you believe is possible?...
This communication, this learning, this university, this unlocking your own avenues to explore, share, create – is there for every interstellar citizen. It is connected through every level and every dimension. You are the connection. Each citizen each atom and particle, is connected. How? – is yours to discover. How to communicate in your particular plane, place, pulse or frequency – is yours to discover. It is an unspoken mission of every interstellar citizen.
You are the connection. Each citizen each atom and particle, is connected. How? – is yours to discover...
How would you do this? With heart and soul as full of love and compassion and understanding for others -- as you would like their hearts and souls to be full of love and compassion and understanding for you…! Communication is greatly enhanced with the recognition that all others are like you –- and are one heart and thought, whatever the stages of loving family learning, evolving…
All secrets fall away with this recognition – that at some interstellar, intergalactic, interdimensional level, “I am you and you are me”… It is an interstellar sacred language! Your mission is to discover it! And connect with the highest levels of loving knowledge and understanding, that which is Ancient and Future in you and all others!
All secrets fall away with this recognition – that at some interstellar, intergalactic, interdimensional level, “I am you and you are me”…
With great love for the Ancient and Future you, the interstellar Citizen Explorer of consciousness and connections everywhere – I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay