Grandmother on Find the Star in Your Heart and Deepest Love in the Great Lessons of the Universe

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, COSMOS, Grandmother Blogs, HEALING, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman


As these times begin, look for a star within, and the words of you that you know are the most true things about your life…

If you can come to love all of your life -- all of your heart, all of the things you did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say, as you learn to love it all …then you will be free…

Learn to see the lessons of each life as the light that makes you a star…

And you will begin, in these times, to see yourself in others and others in you, and that we come together to become better and forgive and be forgiven, to love and be loved forever.

No headlines can stop love, when you want that star within to shine. No words, no worries, no fears are greater than love.

-- Grandmother from Another Planet


Today began with a song, a deep poem visiting me on waking, coming into my thoughts – a song for these times -- after hearing a song of peace… “An Ancient Voice of Love Descends…” That’s how it began. It is below at the end of Grandmother’s message, Grandmother’s writing which came immediately after…

Grandmother’s message flooded my thoughts with “the star within…” To look for the star in your heart; to love serving others, forgiving others, forgiving yourself, knowing for sure that you have learned great lessons in this life -- and with the greatest love. A call to cherish ourselves and each other, to cherish every lesson, to cherish this life, no matter what -- to find the love in your life in the star in your heart…

Read “Grandmother on Find the Star in Your Heart and Deepest Love in the Great Lessons of the Universe.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited automatic writing of 11/8/23, posted 11-10-23, © S.H. Rodman.


“Grandmother on Find the Star in Your Heart and Deepest Love in the Great Lessons of the Universe”


As these times begin, look for a star within, and the words of you that you know are the most true things about your life… You meant to be your best, no matter what happened; difficulties may have overwhelmed you. Do not despair.

As these times begin, look for a star within, and the words of you that you know are the most true things about your life…

There is a star within, a knowing in you that arrests these worried thoughts for a moment and stops the fear that you did something wrong, whether you knew it or not…

There is a star within. As you come to know its light, you will find there is a forgiveness in the heart, more ancient than Time, a kind of love that is the seed of all you know about yourself that is true…

There is a star within. As you come to know its light, you will find there is a forgiveness in the heart, more ancient than Time...

Somewhere, somehow, you have lived a life of light, even if you didn’t know for who – or the number of times you helped others or comforted others against all odds. You were always right on time.

As days become more difficult, more surreal, they will also bring more truth about how hard you tried, and you will know that it was always okay if you cried or lost your way. It was hard and it was difficult to see the truth, but at that moment, you didn’t know what else to do.

If you can come to love all of your life -- all of your heart, all of the things you did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say, as you learn to love it all, now appreciate that you were trying in some deep way to learn to be better and richer in love and grace…then you will be free…

If you can come to love all of your life -- all of your heart, all of the things you did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say, as you learn to love it all, now appreciate that you were trying in some deep way to learn to be better and richer in love and grace…then you will be free…

Learn to see the lessons of each life as the light that makes you a star… Never regret your steps to learn a great lesson, for in the end, you will be of greatest service because you learned the greatest lessons.

Never regret your steps to learn a great lesson, for in the end, you will be of greatest service because you learned the greatest lessons...

The star within you shines brightly with each lesson, each mistake made golden as it shines as a lesson learned, in the deepest heart and soul of you.

Love your deepest heart and soul, the deepest forgiveness of the star, the soul of your life within. Be generous with love for each lesson, your love that you can begin again and make amends whenever you want to love again, to cleanse the past with understanding of what you learned, with love for those you feel you may have wronged.

In the star in your heart lies the deepest understanding of all, an eternal knowledge that I am you and you are me.

In the star in your heart lies the deepest understanding of all, an eternal knowledge that I am you and you are me...

And you will seek now, in these new times, to love to attend, to care for all others, as yourself. For truly you can begin to see that what you give to others, what you do for others, makes up the greater part of your life.

And you will begin, in these times, to see yourself in others and others in you, and that we come together to become better and forgive and be forgiven, to love and be loved forever.

No matter what the prophecies or headlines say, we come here to love and to create something better together – and we will do it together, from the heart, no matter what the headlines.

No matter what the prophecies or headlines say, we come here to love and to create something better together – and we will do it together, from the heart, no matter what the headlines...

No headlines can stop love, when you want that star within to shine. No words, no worries, no fears are greater than love.

No headlines can stop love, when you want that star within to shine. No words, no worries, no fears are greater than love...

There is a star within you, and all the stars together in all of the peoples are greater than every time, every effort to diminish them.

You have a star within. Your love is greater than anything, anywhere you think you have been.

Your love is greater than anything, anywhere you think you have been...

You have come here to shine, no matter what -- to grow, no matter what -- far beyond any effort to diminish it or deny it.

You glow forever, strongly, whenever you find that love within that bursts with the light of stars undenied -- their beauty and emerging knowledge overtaking every crisis.

There is a star within; there is singing within. You have a mission to burst with shining and the songs of the soul.

There is a star within; there is singing within. You have a mission to burst with shining and the songs of the soul...

You have a star in your heart. Sing from the soul of the beauty and wonder of each other.

You are the living light of the universe! You are the living love of the universe! This is your life!

You are the living light of the universe! This is your life!...

Never doubt that you are known throughout the universe, and you are beloved!

Never doubt that you are known throughout the universe, and you are beloved!...

To become great societies of oneness, of love – serve each other, forgive each other well.

You have a star within. And in these times, the greatest gift is its light unrestrained, its knowledge and service freed in love, its true history known in you.

You have a star within. In these times, the greatest gift is its light unrestrained, its knowledge and service freed in love, its true history known in you...

You are part of every star, the history of love in the universe! You are writing it!

With a star in my heart and the greatest love for you of all, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet.

-- Grandmother from Another Planet

From the Author:

The Song which came earliest morning, after hearing a song about peace… This song below, “A Deep and Ancient Voice of Love Descends” is like a mantra, I realize now. Perhaps a meditation from Grandmother as a preface to peace – as a deep and ancient voice of love descends and we hear the new singing. Music will come for this eventually; I can hear it.

“A Deep and Ancient Voice of Love Descends”


A deep and ancient voice of love descends.

As we approach the end, we begin to love again,

to find that which we thought was lost,

yet is deep in the peace within.


Find the peace within to sing again

the sounds of ancient songs as love descends

becoming one. And I feel the stars arise;

now the light sends peace and grows in me

to be with you in the great renew,

the great arising blue that lives in two,

as you are me and I am you…


A deep and ancient voice of love descends.

As we approach the end, we begin to love again,

to find that which we thought was lost,

yet is deep in the peace within.


Find the star within to live again

as an ancient song of light begins.

I feel the peace cry out; it moves me on.

Now the star in me aglow, it sends a tone

to harmonies in me that sing again. I see a dome,

arising paths, a show. I see the great renew

and I know forever, you are me and I am you.


A deep and ancient voice of love descends.

As we approach the end, we begin to love again,

to find that which we thought was lost,

yet is deep in the peace within.

© S.H. Rodman, 11-8-23.


***Questions, Comments, Ideas, Email:

Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…

(c) S.H. Rodman


Image Credit: Mieke59 on Pixabay