Grandmother on 5 Steps and a Starship: How to Start a New Business Mission in Wild Times

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Community, COSMOS, Creativity, Grandmother Blogs, MEDITATION, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman


Starting a new mission arises from the beloved desire to transform and change what seems insufficient – into revealing, radiating starlight!

It is the time of Seeing the Greatest Future as your PathIt is lighted by stars and dreams, and you cannot stop the momentum once the heart is open to a greater future than you once knew…

In a way, the new mission begins with the profound, beloved desire for a connection with that which you sense beyond is divine

There is always a place to begin. It might be a vision, it might be the name of the mission, it might be the truth that will no longer ride on this journey silently within but must become something new: A NEW MISSION.

Iron out the wrinkles of time: Find the way, the day, the appointment, the hour to begin it all.

To open this portal, this mission timeline, this plane of new creation -- imagine that it has begun and now you must open the door.

Many may pause, sometimes stalled, sometimes discouraged because they do not seek first, reach out first, with love, to find The Family of the Mission…

-- Grandmother from Another Planet


I asked Grandmother for a higher dimensional view, an extraterrestrial perspective, thinking way seriously out of the box – about starting a new mission, a new business in these chaotic and unpredictable times even at 81. An idea for it came during high frequency sound meditation, the unlikely “Starship Books. was available. It will have a Stargate Address. A step beyond. Do you go for it at 81? What? In one Paranormal/ET Roundtable weekly meditation, the ideas I received in the starry exercise was somehow having a "starship" be available to me. I wrote on the exercise card: "I WANT A SHIP"...and drew a typical oval starship.... I got one -- not quite what I expected, but I got a ship... 🙂

Amazing as December of 2023 was, I was visiting a Tachyon Chamber at the time (not kidding) and this is what came Starship Books... Is it possible to collaborate with other star systems? Is that far-fetched or right on time…? Can many books, booklists, programs, blogs, thought bubbles, aphorisms, dreamscapes, Aha! ideas, book lists, songs, partially finished booklets, arts, positive cosmic technologies, inspiring checklists, aggregations of advanced consciousness exercises and adventures and networks -- actually become BOOKS? Or BOOKLETTES? "Lift off?" I realized that I could fit most everything I've ever done into "Starship Books." How is this possible. The idea in meditation seemed odd -- I don't want to publish books or distribute books particularly as I'm so enjoying advanced consciousness adventures, but I was assured:

"If you build the Starship Books portal they will come."  They didn't say who "they" was. I began to imagine beyond the Tachyon Chamber. "The Starship Journeys: Stories from the Tachyon Chamber" -- may be the first of the new "books" that aren't quite books -- but are "lift off." The idea of how to start a new mission business at 81 was daunting! I'll need a lot of help. I don't care how far away it comes from. I asked Grandmother from Another Planet how to start a new mission business during wild times. This is what came.

Read “Grandmother on 5 Steps & a Starship: How to Start a New Business Mission in Wild Times.“ It might apply to starting a new mission or business in any field… Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited automatic creative writing of 12-29-23, posted 12-31-23. © S.H. Rodman

“Grandmother on 5 Steps and a Starship: How to Start a New Business Mission in Wild Times”
-- © S.H. Rodman, 12-29-23, posted 12-31-23

SHR: Grandmother, can you give me some advice, some tips for starting a new business mission in chaotic times? Things I might have missed? Or did not pursue because they require greater courage than I think possible?


Starting a new mission arises from the beloved desire to transform and change what seems insufficient – into revealing, radiating starlight! Into a great cosmic contribution against the odds, when you do not have the courage but you have the drive!

Starting a new mission arises from the beloved desire to transform and change what seems insufficient – into revealing, radiating starlight!...

The drive permeates you, heart and soul, and the conviction that you might be able to honor those whom you feel are dishonored, spotlight those who have been left behind regardless of their beauty and amazing hearts.

It is “beloved desire”…a desire with great unconditional, higher-dimensional love…holding hands with the future and refusing to let go of it, no matter how much you are pushed back, no matter how many stairs to climb and stones of obstruction to leap, you are out to help the Beloved and you see a way, a path ahead…

It is lighted by stars and dreams, and you cannot stop the momentum once the heart is open to a greater future than you once knew… It is the time of Seeing the Greatest Future as your Path…:

It is lighted by stars and dreams, and you cannot stop the momentum once the heart is open to a greater future than you once knew…
  • Creating a new garden of dreams, of beauty, of cherishing and loving all beings, of holding their steadfastness and brilliant resistance to hopelessness in your heart of hearts, refusing to give up on the story you must tell -- and tell no matter what the consequences.
  • In a way, the new mission begins with the profound, beloved desire for a connection with that which you sense beyond is divinethe blessed beings you see everywhere…and suddenly seeing them all as heroes and great avatars of hope and intelligence and confessions of a desire for eternity.
  • It is not letting go of the dream that they would speak, that they would create, the art of a vast time of freeing the creation of beauty and soaring words of the truth of the soul…spilling out you-don’t-know-where and falling upon fallow new lands tilled by the very chaos that causes the mission and the courage to be born….
The new mission begins with the profound, beloved desire for a connection with that which you sense beyond is divine
It is not letting go of the dream...spilling out you-don’t-know-where and falling upon fallow new lands tilled by the very chaos that causes the mission and the courage to be born…


  1. There is always a place to begin. It might be a vision, it might be the name of the mission, it might be the truth that will no longer ride on this journey silently within but must become something new: A NEW MISSION. That is your meditation, your art, your writing assignment and sketching and storyboarding your New Story Mission. BEGIN.
  2. RECORD the beginning. Honor it. Love it. Stay fixated on this new Compass! On your true North of the heart and the truth of your purpose and your secret identity!
  3. Identify your secret identity. It is hidden within the New Mission that is bursting out of you to begin. It has to be a GREAT mission for you to tear yourself away from holding on… To burst on the new scene with courage and opening up the heart of hearts, the stars of your soul, to shine on the planet of life, which is your divine cherishing, which is your birth and now your new name: Your mission name is your new nameFind a way. Find a way for that to be true.
  4. Iron out the wrinkles of time: Find the way, the day, the appointment, the hour to begin it all.
  5. Materialize it with the posting and publishing and pronouncement of the Name of the New Missionand think, write, draw, sing, dance until you have it and you know how it will affect your own name.
  6. The Engines of Creation are the drivers of all New Star Missions at this time… Think of it this way: It is driven and created in the starriness, the ancient wisdom growing in you, and forever more it will be nurtured and made into the art of many lives, your lives in the stars, with a new story to tell and a new universe of light to free.
  7. It is “To See.” Imagine that you can “SEE”…
There is always a place to begin. It might be a vision, it might be the name of the mission, it might be the truth that will no longer ride on this journey silently within but must become something new: A NEW MISSION...


To open this portal, this Mission Timeline, this plane of new creation -- imagine that it has begun and now you must open the door.

  1. To open the door, ascribe to the mission quest as if it were a Starship. Write it, make poetry of its urgent drive and the happiness which flows from it…paint it into history and the creative webs of all media and all events you can dream for its delivery. Truly, the mission is about a truth of deliverance…
  2. To open the door, wish in the Stars. Yes – “Wish upon a Star.” Meditate upon the Star of the Mission – the star you imagine is its light and avatar and its symbol of love for innocence, purity, and a recompense for the time of the new beginnings. How is a Star Mission a kind of recompense? Because the heart is the ultimate creator of blessings…and the rewards of sharing your truth and learning how to get closer and closer to the truth of you in the stars. For that is who you are: The truth of you in the stars!
  3. To open the door, tell your friends and your family on Earth and your family in the Stars that you are beginning a new mission, building a new Starship, creating a new chapter in the Akashic Halls of all records, and you will not give up in time or space…that you will have endless time and endless space to reach for the mission. And you want to invite them to help you! Invite them to be your companions and create their new missions with you. Invite them to be the Family of the Mission!
To open the door, ascribe to the mission quest as if it were a Starship...

Many may pause, sometimes stalled, sometimes discouraged because they do not seek first, reach out first with love, to find The Family of the Mission… The Friends of the Mission… The Children of the Mission… The Lights of the Mission… The Stars of the Mission… Know your Star Family… Know the Light of the Mission… BEGIN HERE.

Many may pause, sometimes stalled, sometimes discouraged because they do not seek first, reach out first with love, to find The Family of the Mission…

That’s next…

With great love for your heart of hearts, always driving to create a new mission -- with great love for all of your missions, dreams, and destinies as your soar across a universe of lives, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…

-- Grandmother from Another Planet


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Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…

© S.H. Rodman

SHRodman Photo Graphic - © S.H. Rodman

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