Grandmother from Another Planet: The Storyteller’s Secret – Discoveries Can Empower Your Creative Life

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, COSMOS, Creativity, Grandmother Blogs, MEDITATION, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman

“Grandmother from Another Planet: The Storyteller’s Secret – Discoveries Can Empower Your Creative Life.”

A Prophecy of Secrets…

SHR: Grandmother, how can you completely redesign, recreate your life, your goals?


You have a sense right now that you are “weathering a storm.” You do not yet see the great storytelling adventure you are creating! You know it as “life” happening to you by chance – without forethought, a template.

It is completely designed before your first day on Earth! -- Before your time on the Earth begins, a new cycle of glorious discovery, revealing chagrin and a victory through birth, for you are here! We are here together!

If there were one key goal in this university of new life that bears your name, it is to live anew in such deep learning, growing understanding, that you come to know your name and your true story in the light: “The Storyteller’s Secret.” That is why you are here – to create the secret story and design a sacred trail which reveals who you really are beyond this life…and these small wishes for relief or freeing the soaring Heart!

Every birth on Earth represents a Storyteller’s Secret that is part of the time of these revelations in the stars… That is how you redesign, recreate a multi-dimensional story out of thin air…out of the blue of the raiment, which birthed your “life cloak,” the name of the storyteller – your name -- holding all sorts of clues to your secret!

So: I will give you an interesting assignment. You must meditate on “What is my Secret Story? What is in my Secret Heart that brings me here?” -- A key player in the unfolding dream which rewrites, redraws, redesigns a time where histories leave off…and then the secrets come out.

To redesign life, you must open the heart with new love and meditate upon The Secret which you carry and the mysterious story you came here to tell. 

Is it a story of another life or civilization or time? Another ability to circumvent all the rules of physics and time, and open the Treasure Box of your secrets, for you have one! You are not here to tell your adventure of this planet’s circumnavigation of “The Big Change” – but to focus on why you are a secret and what you are withholding from the Earth, yet know and came here to reveal!!!

It is always in your “give name”… It is ancient and it is a growing secret; each life, you add to the mystery. That’s why great advancements in intuition and perceiving across all space and time are so important to develop, to increase the ability to “see” your own story! Your secret!

Focus on the Secret, and you will gradually reveal it: The Storyteller’s Secret. There is always a secret, yours to bring. If you come to discover you own, you will begin to discover the secrets of the planets, the stars and moons, the galaxy…

You are a purveyor of secrets… But you cannot begin to “purvey” them until you discover your own Master Secret, Master Story…

Meditating deeply with a loving heart, repeat 15 times – 100 times: “Meditate on Love for All Beings. What is my Master Secret? What is my Master Story?”

Now, if you do this as many times as you discover works, to drop the box of boundaries and let the past go, you will start to recreate life and come upon The Storyteller’s Secret…

Then we will, with great love for all beings on Earth, come upon The Storyteller’s Secret which you came here to write. It is your “part” in the Play on Earth…

To create, to design a new life, you must discover The Storyteller’s Secret which opens the door to the higher creations of the soul which you came to unfold. You are a Master of the Storyteller’s Secrets. That is why you are here. It is your name – and in your story.

What is the Storyteller’s Secret you came to reveal?

With great love for you, your secret heart, your great Story to be written on the Earth, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…

What will you discover?...

 -- Grandmother from Another Planet


Image Credit: Ingrid from Pixabay